It's been a couple of years since I was on the Kona Aggressor, but I thought it was fantastic and will do it again. Here's some photos:
Picasa Web Albums - John - Kona Hawaii -...
Great boat, fantastic crew. The Kona Aggressor is kind of known for it's food and when we did it the meals were spectacular. Loved the diving; lots of different things to see -- turtles, Hammerhead (twice), Mantas (day and night), frogfish, nudibranches.
Thanks for the feedback and geat set of pic's! Exactly what I wanted to see, and I think that speckeled green fish shot is very cool.
Interesting comments on the Yap-stop, and other options. I've kind of got my heart set on a LA, and want this to be a trip with as much diving as possible. The family trips are great but just not enough diving. Topside stuff is pretty low priority this time.