And if you do choose to go to Kona, definitely choose to go on the Aggressor. The diving in Kona is not really far from shore, in fact some places are arguably "shore diveable" albeit some very rocky shores, but the distance the boat goes south of Kona is well out of the reach of day boats. AuAu Crater (which was my favorite spot of the trip) would be 3-4 hours from Kona on a day boat, plus there's always the possibility of diving South Point - the southernmost point in the U.S. We didn't dive there but it's just another example of how far removed you are from the other dive operators. You'll really only see them on the Manta Night Dive and also on your last day of diving where you do two dives in the morning somewhere near town - otherwise you're quite a ways down south. So if you do go to Kona, don't think that you're sacrificing an "awesomer" trip, you're just going to a place that's much different than other places. But as stated earlier, I do recommend a summer trip so that the water is not quite as cold.
Ask this question again in a year after I've been to PNG and Palau, I venture to say I might be singing a different tune
Ask this question again in a year after I've been to PNG and Palau, I venture to say I might be singing a different tune