Any good boating forums out there?

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I'm trying to learn a bit more about boats and general seamanship, since it kind of tends to run hand in hand with a lot of diving. I can't seem to find any decent forums that aren't specific to electronics or motors or whatever else. Do any of you know about a decent forum or even just a website in general that I can learn a bit from?

I know the extreme basics from fishing, wakeboarding, etc. on local lakes in boats that are 25' or so, but I'd really like to dig my feet in and learn more about radio operation, general handling, some of the terminology, the "rules of the road" or whatever you'd like to call the way you interact with other boats while you're navigating marinas or out in open water.

Basically I want to learn and don't know much at all :D
Thanks, I found that on a Google search and turned up one pretty informative thread, but overall the board seems pretty focused to established boaters, not the guys trying to learn it.

I thought about it some, and I can't imagine there are any forums designed for newbies like me to learn...I'd probably be better off just asking "How did you guys learn about boating?" and mention the local marina is VERY rich and VERY exclusive (i.e. I couldn't even walk the shoreline without being tackled by numerous overpaid, overdressed super model security guards) There is a marina about 45 minutes to an hour south of here, on a MUCH larger lake, that I could probably get a job at pretty easily, but gas prices don't urge me to take a job that's a 45 minute drive when my Jeep gets 15mpg or less..
.. read deeper into the forums. you will find discussions about every aspect of boating. from how to connect your battery all the way to rebuilding your outboard. also you will find discussions on boating safety, regulations, rules, seamanship, knot tying, docking procedures, etiquite...etc..

you won't find a better board out there. if you are looking fo answers to which boat to buy'll find its like asking which BCD to buy on these boards...good luck and hunting..
cheeta ...a little info for you ...if you think your jeep is bad on gas ...wait till you buy your first boat.
While the internet is the darling of the age, most of the information your seeking is better found in a book. Go to a library or even a book store and you will find many books on the subjects you list. Chapman's I think it is that rings a bell.
Are there Coast Guard Power Squadron classes in Montana? Taking a few courses from them would work wonders on your seamanship/boating knowledge.
One benefit of living near the coast is that most areas have Power Squadron classes, and over the course of a year or so can take you from a newer-than-a-newbie to safely planning a trip a couple of thousand miles from home.
Thanks guys, I'll look into the Coast Guard classes and do some searches on iBoats to dig up the old buried stuff.

I'm definitely not looking to buy a boat, I can't even afford a car to replace my Jeep haha. I think it would just be good knowledge to have if I'm going to be in and around the water, you never know what might come up.

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