Since you didn't read, I'll summarize: This thread used the same mask you're talking about (the Mako Minimus) to identify what works the best. Tests included everything you mentioned (except possibly the Simple Green - I can't remember if that was one of the tests) plus more.
What works THE BEST - meaning, even better and more reliable than the methods you tried - is to run it through your dishwasher (with automatic dishwasher detergent), then soak it for a week in undiluted household ammonia. No burning or scrubbing needed.
This process gets the whole mask CLEAN, and the ammonia also has the effect of literally changing the surface of the glass itself. It's a chemical reaction between the ammonia and the glass - a process called hydroxylation. It makes the glass very fog-resistant. Much more so than the untreated glass - which, on a Mako Minimus, seems to be even more fog-prone than most.
My Minimus has been my MOST fog-prone mask that I own, out of 12 or more masks, currently. After only the dishwasher and then 2 days soaking in ammonia, I was VERY pleased at how much more fog-resistant my Minimus is now than it was after only scrubbing it and burning it (multiple times).
Just FYI.