Keep in mind the effect of high surface tension of water (air-water interracial tension) would overcome the water-contaminated glass interfacial tension and lead to the water to form itself into tiny water beads (i.e., fogging on the glass). Coating surfactant such as baby shampoo over the contaminated glass surface would make the contaminated glass surface behaving like a “cleaned” glass surface, which water-surfactant interfacial tension is overcoming the water surface tension and resulting water film coating the mask instead of fogging it.
The following video clip shows how strong the water surface tension that any surfactant needs to overcome.
My hypothesis is if we coat the rim of the glass cup in the video with baby shampoo, the water would spill over the rim after dropping less number of pennies than the one in the video.
The following video clip shows how strong the water surface tension that any surfactant needs to overcome.
My hypothesis is if we coat the rim of the glass cup in the video with baby shampoo, the water would spill over the rim after dropping less number of pennies than the one in the video.