The individual dive flag/float rule applies only in Gloucester waters, correct? And Back Beach is technically in Rockport, right? (Please? please?)
I did my UW Nav specialty dives on Saturday and my instructor had us use individual floats cuz she heard of the change in policy. Let me tell you. it was a ROYAL pain the butt as my UW Nav classmate and I kept getting tangled up in each others floats and it def got in the way of trying to count kick cycles and navigate a pattern w/o surfacing.....
Its entirely retarded... The ironic part is about 20 ft away from a lobster trap I came across two VERY legal lobsters literally just loitering in the middle of the day, in the open. If I had my catch bag with me on the that dive....... Anyways... the trap remained empty all day though as we had to swim past it a few times during our pattern searches.. Lots of little lobsters hanging around it, just not inside....
Grrrrrr... Death to the lobstering business! Its getting ridiculous...... They are no more entitled to their living than we are entitled to our hobby. Except most of us are doing it for fun, and not to screw them out of lobster... Lobster-fishing is NOT a god given right... If they overfish them, then suck it up and go learn a trade or something useful and stop complaining.... Not my fault they can't do basic math or grammar....... I thought all the REAL lobstermen went fishing in a tougher boat in George's Bank? Anyone fishing off the shore cant seriously wake up in the morning and consider themselves a "lobsterman" can they!?!?!?