People call me crazy for riding my bicycle on the roads but my favorite place to ride is lower manhattan during rush hour. Head on a swivel and processor going full tilt boogie. Play it like a video game where everybody is out to get you and nobody follows the rules. Don't assume they see you or will stop. I'm not cool with the little wheels but the bigger wheels with at least 110 ccs and brakes that work and I'm good. I know it's got to be safer than in the states where almost nobody rides two wheels. At least in Coz they are used to seeing you.
Three things on the plus side. You can find parking anywhere. You feel a part of the local culture. Last but not least, when you take off from a light with a dozen other scooters with their bwap bwap engines all ripping, you can't help but laugh out loud.
It does seem a bit funny to hear the concern about scooter safety from a bunch of scuba divers that spend the rest of the time talking about DCS and other diving issues.
Three things on the plus side. You can find parking anywhere. You feel a part of the local culture. Last but not least, when you take off from a light with a dozen other scooters with their bwap bwap engines all ripping, you can't help but laugh out loud.
It does seem a bit funny to hear the concern about scooter safety from a bunch of scuba divers that spend the rest of the time talking about DCS and other diving issues.