Another Great trip- need advice on nitrox cert.

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As Don suggested, although many people point to factors like obesity and dehydration, there is no scientific evidence to support that. Yes, the amount of nitrogen in your body is the real issue. Yes, using nitrox does cut down on the amount of nitrogen in your body, which is why you get longer bottom times. If you dive nitrox to its limits, though, you get the same amount of nitrogen you would if you used air.
I have lost 225LBS in the past three years...
Uh. wow! :eek: Good for you on taking action, but was there gastric or bariatric surgery involved with that? If so, could be the origin of your gut ache - as well as put you into a totally different situation with regard to everything. If anyone has info on such with regard to diving, DCS, etc. it'd be your friendly medical folks at DAN. I dunno? :idk: You might consult them for their views, and call them again from Coz if you have any developments. I have for less and they have always been nice.

Go for the Nitrox card, sure. I'm really thinking I paid more ten years ago that Christi charges now, but that's a fuzzy memory. It's a good tool to have, and to use. When to use a tank a day on Coz can be a little tricky? Depends on the depths of each planned dive - which is often decided on the go, how many a day & when, etc. which you will learn more about in the class.
Thanks to all for some very informative reading. As a bit of an air hog I've never really felt the need to learn about Nitrox since my tank empties before my computer starts to worry about bottom times. I am however getting older & I'm not quite as active as before but my day job does require lots of physical activity. My question is quite simple, and I think I know the answer based on the responses already posted but I'll ask in nice simple terms. If I use Nitrox (as supplied by the shops in Coz) AND continue using my AIR only computer & obey it am I a bit safer overall? Keep in mind the fact I use AL 100's to get about the same bottom time the rest of the group does on AL 80's.

No Gastric bypass DD- just lots of exercise and atkins diet. Just got back monday and back to the gym twice a day. ugh, but totally worth it.

A couple of people have posted using regular computer with nitrox? Can i do that? My computer doesn't do nitrox and i was going to rent one for june and buy one later. I am not looking for longer bottom times , i just think (and i know it's not proven) that it may help me since i seen to be maybe more susceptable to DS than some.
Thanks to all for some very informative reading. As a bit of an air hog I've never really felt the need to learn about Nitrox since my tank empties before my computer starts to worry about bottom times. I am however getting older & I'm not quite as active as before but my day job does require lots of physical activity. My question is quite simple, and I think I know the answer based on the responses already posted but I'll ask in nice simple terms. If I use Nitrox (as supplied by the shops in Coz) AND continue using my AIR only computer & obey it am I a bit safer overall? Keep in mind the fact I use AL 100's to get about the same bottom time the rest of the group does on AL 80's.Larry.
You would reduce your risk of DCS but increase your risk of oxygen toxicity. So no you would not be safer overall.

---------- Post added March 1st, 2013 at 01:05 PM ----------

Thanks to all for some very informative reading. As a bit of an air hog I've never really felt the need to learn about Nitrox since my tank empties before my computer starts to worry about bottom times. I am however getting older & I'm not quite as active as before but my day job does require lots of physical activity. My question is quite simple, and I think I know the answer based on the responses already posted but I'll ask in nice simple terms. If I use Nitrox (as supplied by the shops in Coz) AND continue using my AIR only computer & obey it am I a bit safer overall? Keep in mind the fact I use AL 100's to get about the same bottom time the rest of the group does on AL 80's.

If you and I dive the same profile and you go through a 100 and I go through a 80 would we have the same amount of nitrogen? That's a good question. You would be taking more nitrogen into your lungs than I would be so it would make sense that you would force more into your tissues. Our computers would say we have the same amount of nitrogen. I don't know if they would be right or not?
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You would reduce your risk of DCS but increase your risk of oxygen toxicity. So no you would not be safer overall.
If the tank was properly analyzed and one stays shallower than an MOD based on 1.4, there is less risk of oxygen toxicity than of DCS. Oxygen toxicity is a preventable risk, DCS less so. Of course user error is always possible. If one goes too deep on air, at worst he or she might have to complete a deco stop (like the 22 min stop I had to do at Maracaibo). If one "accidentally" goes too deep on nitrox, death is entirely possible.

With the depths of typical Cozumel dives, nitrox is probably more dangerous than air simply because it's not likely one would get a deadly case of DCS from going too deep for too long, unless one decides to do a bounce dive to 400'. Worst case, if the deco stop is blown, is probably a chamber ride and full resolution of a mild case of DCS. There is no such thing as a mild case of oxygen toxicity since seizure can occur sort of randomly at the higher ppO2 levels and that usually will lead to drowning.

If you and I dive the same profile and you go through a 100 and I go through a 80 would we have the same amount of nitrogen? That's a good question. You would be taking more nitrogen into your lungs than I would be so it would make sense that you would force more into your tissues. Our computers would say we have the same amount of nitrogen. I don't know if they would be right or not?
Definitely wrong answer. Nitrogen absorption is a function of tissue loading which depends on depth and % of nitrogen in the mix, time, M-values, etc. But air consumption is not a factor. Otherwise men would be more prone to DCS simply because they have bigger lungs. Bigger divers would be more prone than smaller divers. That's just not the case.
I think I should add that I use an air integrated Uwatec Aladin Air 2 computer which does monitor my breathing but doesn't know the tank size.
I think I should add that I use an air integrated Uwatec Aladin Air 2 computer which does monitor my breathing but doesn't know the tank size.
I believe Mossman is correct because a air integrated computer will give you the same readout as a non air integrated computer of the same make.
My nitrox course rocked!
I did it in addition to my already paid daily diving so all the "classroom" work was done 1-on-1 on the dive boat to the divesite, between dives and on the way back and as a result I had the instructor who also happened to be a marine biologist to myself all day :D
The dive shop I use for most of my vacation diving have reasonably priced nitrox packages so I dive nitrox as much as possible if I do anything more than a single dive.
Do it, its worth it in the long run :D

What dive op did you use?

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