Tracy, sorry, but that "world record" was for the sake of "show business", which differs massively from those who go deep just to go deep.
Show business provides jobs to many people, inspiration, etc. When people do scuba diving records, not many jobs are created, and most of them are temporary. Ultimately very few people manage to gain something, and when they do, the gain is personal or circumscribed into a tiny circle.
We are speaking about different beasts.
P.S. To be exhaustive, I believe there are better methods to inspire kids than "world records", for instance, competitions: baseball, soccer, football championships, etc. Or, for example, acrobatic motorbike competitions. Sometimes there will be some guys breaking world records, but again, the primary purpose is not the world record itself (in all fairness, it may also happen to break world records during scientific exploration, like the first men who walked on the moon).
P.P.S. You are challenging me a lot, which I like! But I am not an expert in anything, and I worry that we may discuss subjects that are well-known by experts with a naive approach. For instance, I bet that psychologists have already studied the best way to inspire and motivate kids - and what I previously mentioned is probably far from their conclusions, if they exist. So, just be aware of my lack of competencies![]()

Do pro football players have a higher risk of dying earlier? | CNN
As fans across the country anticipate Sunday's big game, a new study finds that career NFL players have a 38% higher risk of dying younger compared with those who played in only a few games.