Allright. I noticed that the last reply to this thread was back in February but I need to ask this question. I too have recently installed a pee valve in my suit in preparation for some local deeper deco dives and nothings worse than having to take a leak wit 20 minutes of deco left. I bought a case of what I thought was the correct size. There are two issues I am finding. I am having one F$%k of a time getting these things one without getting the important part of this apendage stuck to the glue. Larger size maybe. Is the head supposed to be attached to the sticky part of these things? Also, how the heck does one get these off without screaming and contorting in pain? I have heard that WD40 is the answer but man before I spray this stuff on my boy I need to know if there are any other alternatives.
Roll it back as tight as possible to reduce the tacky area and center it on yourself carefully. Expect to have a couple of trial runs in your home before attempting to put on in the car or other places you might look like a pervert and rush the job. Once you have the technique down, you should be good.
As for removal, the amount of discomfort probably depends on how long since you last shower and how oily your skin is. I shower the night before and I just pull slowly, takes about 30-40 seconds. I would think 2x before using WD40 on anything, body parts or machines. If you have problems, just leave it on until you shower next and let warm water and soap do the work.