IMHO ankle weights should not be necessary for adjusting trim. Trim can be easily adjusted by moving a weight belt up or down as needed (I tend to do that during the dive, if needed).
But, if your legs are buoyant, every time you do a downward kick you will be essentially doing inverted leg lifts. At the low speeds that you move your legs the inertia forces and kinetic energy related to the ankle weights is basically irrelevant. It is far more important for your legs to be independently neutral.
Again the issue of trim should be a totally different subject. Ankle weights if properly used to independently balance the buoyancy of a highly lofted drysuit can actually lower your energy use. Granted, most of the time you may not notice or be able to measure any difference.
I have used Jet fins for over 35 years and they are my favorite fins; but they do weight about 2 Lbs more than my other fins (which I rarely use). Most ankle weights are about 3 Lbs for the pair. If kinetic energy and inertia was an issue the weight in the fins would be far worst because of its location. The weight on the fins is further out than the weights on the ankles.
When it comes to energy use for a diver, drag, hydrodynamic forces, and hydrodynamic efficiency of the fins are the most important considerations, not inertia forces. We dont move fast enough to be significant.
But, if your legs are buoyant, every time you do a downward kick you will be essentially doing inverted leg lifts. At the low speeds that you move your legs the inertia forces and kinetic energy related to the ankle weights is basically irrelevant. It is far more important for your legs to be independently neutral.
Again the issue of trim should be a totally different subject. Ankle weights if properly used to independently balance the buoyancy of a highly lofted drysuit can actually lower your energy use. Granted, most of the time you may not notice or be able to measure any difference.
I have used Jet fins for over 35 years and they are my favorite fins; but they do weight about 2 Lbs more than my other fins (which I rarely use). Most ankle weights are about 3 Lbs for the pair. If kinetic energy and inertia was an issue the weight in the fins would be far worst because of its location. The weight on the fins is further out than the weights on the ankles.
When it comes to energy use for a diver, drag, hydrodynamic forces, and hydrodynamic efficiency of the fins are the most important considerations, not inertia forces. We dont move fast enough to be significant.