Ambergris dives ops 3-tank dive trips ?

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Albuquerque, NM
# of dives
500 - 999
so how often do they run these all day trips from Ambergris? I would expect that the 3-tank Blue Hole trip is run every day by at least one dive op, but what about the other trips mentioned on most websites? Are they only when enough people sign up or are they run pretty regularly?

Just wondering if me and hubby come to Ambergris for a week, would we be able to do the Blue Hole trip one day and another 3-tank all day in addition to a couple of days 2-tank local dives.

The BH trip runs most days, as you suggest. The operator which goes most often is by far AquaDives, followed by Amigos del Mar, Ambergris Divers, and Ramon's. AquaDives have by far the biggest boat, and for a trip across the open ocean biggest is usually best. The day comprises a dive in the BH itself, followed by a wall dive off Half Moon Caye, lunch and time for a brief walk around on HMC, then a final wall dive just off Long Caye. The HMC wall dive is commonly regarded as one of the best dives in Belize.

The only other day trip regularly run from AC is to the Elbow at the southern tip of Turneffe Atoll. Because there is much less demand for this trip it maybe only goes once a week or so, so you need to start looking for a trip as soon as you arrive. Like the BH trip, it's only actually confirmed the previous afternoon, when enough divers have signed up and paid. Typically the minimum is 10.

Day trips to Glovers, Belize's third atoll, don't run from AC as it's too far.

Although you didn't ask this, the BH trip is also suitable for snorkellers, but the Elbow trip isn't.

Obviously local dives are available all the time, weather permitting. Typically boats leave at 9am for the first dive, return to dock for the surface interval, and go out again at maybe 11am for the second dive. Afternoon dives generall follow the same pattern, with the first dive starting at 2pm. These times can often be varied, forwards or backwards, so long as the boat will be available and all the divers agree. We often start morning dives at 8am, and indeed even earlier is good as well - it's bright and sunny by 6am.

The atoll trips generally leave at 6am, and you are generally picked up from your hotel dock at 5:30 (in a smaller boat). If you're further afield pickup may be earlier, whilst if you're really close to the dock of the operator you can walk there, to be there by say 5:45. All this is dealt with during the briefing when you book, the previous day.

Where would you be thinking of staying?
thanks! I knew you would have the answers. Blue Hole dive isn't a problem for either of us but we were hoping to hit Elbow or Turneffe, too. We have heard nothing but raves about the diving there. Love love love wall diving. :D

We haven't decided on a hotel or even a date yet. We have a couple of things up in the air right now that affect it and won't be able to make any decisions until Sept most likely. I would love to come in Oct or Nov, but .... :wink: we'll have to wait for now.

one more questions........:wink:or maybe two.

So is it best to book dives after we arrive on the island? I usually try to do a package with hotel and diving together - is that bad on Ambergris?

Do dive ops do the same sites over and over or do they not repeat dives each week. Just worried about booking 3 days of 2-tank local diving and then end up doing the same sites over and over.

And since we shoot video and photo, is there a dive op that is better equiped for us? Camera rinse bucket or table?

Robin - there are quite a few dive sites just off Ambergris Caye, but they are repeated after a while. Some of them may have poor visibility after heavy rain or wind, so that reduces the number. Others are rather further away and fuel is already very expensive and rising, so if you get a good price and don't have too many people on the boat don't expect to be taken to the more remote sites.

I would never book a package here, unless you get an extraordinarily low rate. But beware - a low initial price can be severely misleading. Many (most) operators who sell you a bundle of dives and charge you a discounted price up-front will NOT refund for any dives you haven't taken, usually regardless of reason. They will refer you to your travel insurance. I had some divers a while ago who were very fed up with one operator because due to bad weather they had taken less than half the dives they had paid for, with no possibility of a refund. More scrupulous operators won't treat you like that, but equally they won't offer the same headline-grabbing price. You have to decide how you like to deal and to be treated - I know which I would prefer were I to be a visitor here.

Out of high season there are accommodation bargains to be had, though clearly it's preferable to have that sorted before you arrive, which means research. You do have to decide what sort of place you want, in what sort of locality, and at what level of comfort/luxury. The more fussy you are the more you'll pay. There are no "world-class" hotels here and many people prefer it that way, but it does mean you have to be moderately careful in research and quite specific in your expectations.

At no time of the year, save possibly on certain ultra-high days such as Christmas Day, will you need to book your diving in advance. Perhaps book your first day's outing in advance so you know you'll have some diving, then spend the afternoon walking around the more likely operators and seeing what you think of them. Prices will vary very little, because we all endure the same high costs. In fact, they're likely to rise later this year as the cost of fuel here is forecast to rise 50% before the end of the year! Already it's by far the biggest single cost.

Just a thought - diving from Caye Caulker covers most of the more popular San Pedro dive sites plus quite a few too far south for San Pedro boats to venture to. The island is much smaller, quieter and more relaxed, and the only three dive shops cooperate with each other (the 20-odd in San Pedro certainly do not). And the atolls (Lighthouse for the Blue Hole, Turneffe for the Elbow) are nearer, so cheaper and quicker to get to.

Another thought - on quite a few dives such as the atoll trips you can benefit considerably by diving nitrox. It's generally available on Ambergris Caye though not on Caye Caulker, although there is one San Pedro operator which stops its atoll boats to pick up on Caye Caulker and you can book nitrox with them. If you're not already certified I'd do it before you come.

It's been a few years since I was in Belize but in my opinion, Blue Hole is over rated. Elbow and Turneffe on the other hand, are great dives. I dove with Amigos del Mar on a package. If you selected an all day dive (eg Blue Hole trip), they disounted the cost of BH by the amount you had already paid for the local dives that you missed. But my info is badly out of date.

thanks, exactly the type of info we are looking for! We aren't into fancy resorts, if I wanted luxury I would stay home. :D We are thinking of Ambergris because we have been told by others that it is much like Cozumel used to be 20 years ago. Our first dives were in Coz 8 years ago and we returned over the years and watched as the island charm turned into a big resort and cruiseship shopping mall. We haven't been back for 4 yrs. So we are looking for a place that can maybe replace old Cozumel in our hearts. We like the idea of little funky hotels, restaurants, shops owned by locals (not cruiseship jewelry vendors) and walking down streets without getting hit by speeding taxis. Sitting by the water drinking a cerveza and watching the sunset without getting attacked by timeshare hawkers would be nice, too.

We do want to dive though. A day or two over at the ruins is mandatory, too. A day or two diving outer atolls would be sweet but as long as we get the Blue Hole day we would be happy. We aren't difficult divers but we don't want beginner dives either. Just a good variety of dives and subjects for my videos and Ron's photos. :D


It's been a few years since I was in Belize but in my opinion, Blue Hole is over rated. Elbow and Turneffe on the other hand, are great dives. I dove with Amigos del Mar on a package. If you selected an all day dive (eg Blue Hole trip), they disounted the cost of BH by the amount you had already paid for the local dives that you missed. But my info is badly out of date.


thanks Art. One of the reasons we are thinking of doing the Blue Hole is that my husband is an instructor and he does get asked questions about various dive destinations, including Belize. It would be nice if he had some first hand knowledge to share with his students. Also, we have heard mixed reviews from others, some say it is a must do and others say it was boring. Either way, we figure the other two dives that day are supposed to be awesome so nothing lost.

We are thinking of Ambergris because we have been told by others that it is much like Cozumel used to be 20 years ago

I don't want to put you off AC, but it has also changed greatly over the past few years and I don't know how apposite the epithet "charming" is any more. Caye Caulker is said to be more as AC was 10 or 15 years ago. If I were visiting now and knew the place but not any individual people or businesses I'd probably go to CC.

One other thing, which being English I tend to notice. "Having fun" here generally comprises drinking alcohol, and whilst I'm certainly not teetotal I am used to activities involving more intellectual or physical involvement. It's probably fun for a week or two, but it can eventually get rather depressing. That's one reason I spend so long on these message boards!
I don't want to put you off AC, but it has also changed greatly over the past few years and I don't know how apposite the epithet "charming" is any more. Caye Caulker is said to be more as AC was 10 or 15 years ago. If I were visiting now and knew the place but not any individual people or businesses I'd probably go to CC.

One other thing, which being English I tend to notice. "Having fun" here generally comprises drinking alcohol, and whilst I'm certainly not teetotal I am used to activities involving more intellectual or physical involvement. It's probably fun for a week or two, but it can eventually get rather depressing. That's one reason I spend so long on these message boards!

But you have to admit, drunk or sober, it is funny watching the spectators at the Chicken Drop. :rofl3:


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