I pulled out my trusty nasds safe scuba diving tables.
My tables state that the ndl for 80 feet is 40 minutes.
With that in mind, I flipped the table over, found 80 feet for 50 minutes and read a stop should have been made at 10 feet for ten minutes.
Your rgd in now a k.
I scrolled over to a surface interval of between .50 minutes and 1.11 (1 hour, 11 minutes )
I exited the table at a I designation.
I think you exceeded your second dive, by a short surface interval, as you had 61 minutes of residual nitrogen.
Once again, I flipped the table over. As there is no designation for 61 minutes, I had to go to 70 minutes, which required a stop at 10 feet for 2 minutes.
I then pulled out my us navy diving manual, volume 1, air diving.
I turned to chapter 8, diving emergencies, page 8-12, heading diagnosis of decompression sickness, sickness, here's a short reading,
-50% occurred within 30 minutes
-85% occurred within 1 hour
-95% occurred within 3 hours
-1% delayed more than 6 hours
" symptoms which occur 24 hours or more following a dive are probably not caused by decompression sickness".
Also remember this information is intended for naval personal in excellent shape.
I hope in some small way this helps.