Bretagus, you sound a lot like me! I took Fundies to get better skills, but I took 5thD-Xs Rec 2 class because I wanted some additional training just for diving in deeper recreational depths. 120 feet is a LONG way from the surface, and some of these "solve it underwater" skills seemed like they'd be awfully good to have if things went sideways down that deep. (After taking the class, I was sure of it!) I took a recreational helium class (actually, as it turned out, two of them) to have that in the armamentarium, and learned a lot more about decompression strategies from two different approaches. I figure I'm about as well-armed from a training standpoint for dives within recreational limits (and to handle it if I run over the limits because of an unforeseen problem) as I can be. (Whether the skills are actually there or not is another question, but I've had all the training there is!)