Alleged illegal tanks sold by Add Helium-Heads up to any that may have purchased

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I ran into a buddy in town over the Holiday and we were discussing work. He does finance for a company that manufactures fire dept. equipment and through talking politics and work a discussion about working with the Chinese and quality came up and he said, "It's a real problem. We don't do business with them anymore. Your first order meets spec for a stainless steel alloy and the next order is some completely inferior alloy. You'd never know unless you checked."
I read a article written by a guy who lives in China to supervise the manufacturing of their equipment. Basically they can make top quality gear, but they are much more willing to cut corners in ways you never expected. And if you are there, speak Chinese and have a personal relationship with the plant managers and an eagle eye for corner cutting it can be a great mutually beneficial professional relationship.
If only there was a 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D )
guy monitoring this here and could check the accuser out for us. Those guys are sneaky :censored: so we would never know if he was here or not. I bet that if he was the here though he would have found out his long list of accomplishments posted
I can assure you an 18 alpha (ex SFER) IS monitoring the thread and the sf HAS taken notice
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And if you are there, speak Chinese and have a personal relationship with the plant managers and an eagle eye for corner cutting it can be a great mutually beneficial professional relationship.
I think I can read between those lines! :)
If only there was a 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D )
guy monitoring this here and could check the accuser out for us. Those guys are sneaky :censored: so we would never know if he was here or not. I bet that if he was the here though he would have found out his long list of accomplishments posted
I can assure you an 18 alpha (ex SFER) IS monitoring the thread and the sf HAS taken notice

Well, that will help me sleep.
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So I am new to SB, but not diving, and was forwarded the link to this thread (not from anyone involved in the lawsuit). I have been using AH for about 7 years. I own a rEvo CCR (steel cylinders), in fact it is Peter's old unit and consider Peter a friend. I was going to sit on the sidelines and just watch to see how this unfolds, but as with most things these days, the court of public opinion matters. This is especially true in a small community, such as technical CCR diving. I would still be silent, if it wasn't for the variety of pooh flinging happening. I have had nothing but very positive experiences with Peter and the entire AH staff. For folks who don't have inside intel, I would request that they be willing to see how this plays out before passing judgement that WILL affect people's livelihoods.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

A series of private messages were reproduced in this thread. They have been removed. The entire continuation of this thread will be discussed. Please confine your comments to the subject of this thread, and do not engage in personal attacks.
So I am new to SB, but not diving, and was forwarded the link to this thread (not from anyone involved in the lawsuit). I have been using AH for about 7 years. I own a rEvo CCR (steel cylinders), in fact it is Peter's old unit and consider Peter a friend. I was going to sit on the sidelines and just watch to see how this unfolds, but as with most things these days, the court of public opinion matters. This is especially true in a small community, such as technical CCR diving. I would still be silent, if it wasn't for the variety of pooh flinging happening. I have had nothing but very positive experiences with Peter and the entire AH staff. For folks who don't have inside intel, I would request that they be willing to see how this plays out before passing judgement that WILL affect people's livelihoods.

I don't disagree, but remember the Internet and SB are where people with often trivial issues actively endeavor to damage the reputations of suppliers and individuals, with the specific intent of harming their ability to earn a livelihood. Sadly it's a sport for some. The good news is that the majority of readers recognize these attempts.

My name is Mark Stephens; I just joined SB after receiving a link to this thread. I also realize I didn't fill out my info completely or I would have a name under my avatar. Just to be clear I am not hiding behind a callsign trying be tough yet anonymous..

After reading this entire thread I am taken back; clearly everyone is entitled to their opinions but wow. I am not sure I am even qualified to have an opinion according to some of the self proclaim diving Bada@@s. You guys represent the diving community so well!!

Its clear I and many others don't seem to have the insider information that some of you have based on your bold statements. I can say personally I have had nothing but great experiences with Peter, AH and staff. I choose to wait till ALL the facts are in and the court goes through the process. At the end we would hope to have a clear and accurate understanding of the situation.

So you diving Bada@@s because I said my experiences have been great does that make me "birds of a feather"? You seem to imply anyone associated with Peter or AH are bad. Are you going to talk crap about me on this and other forums because we have differing experiences? Regardless of what Peter may or may have not done, doesn't give you Bad@@s the right trash people because they disagree (but that doesn't seem to matter).
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