Alleged illegal tanks sold by Add Helium-Heads up to any that may have purchased

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Yup. I'm sure you are the better diver, diving in ways and places I can never possibly match.
What that has to do with the topic at hand is beyond me, but okay, you win. :)
I'll make it a root beer.
So let's recap the financial details uncovered in this thread.
  1. Defendant recently filed for Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy
  2. Plaintiff invested $140K for 20% of the company
  3. Plaintiff withdrew $103K but said money is now frozen in attorney's client trust account
Reality: there's not much money here. Time to move on with life.

The legal game is an expensive one that neither side can afford to play. Attorneys are probably drafting settlement offers as we speak.

I love how St John super American who worries about people in Libya aquring CCRs from Peter that are going to take over the world with Dr Evil and the DIR Scuba Nazis finds Peter completely guilty because of hearsay from a guy he says he doesn't even know and berfore any court has heard any of this lol. Maybe he can go down to the courthouse and clear this all up.

If only there was a 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D )
guy monitoring this here and could check the accuser out for us. Those guys are sneaky Fu*ks so we would never know if he was here or not. I bet that if he was the here though he would have found out his long list of accomplishments posted at his last job look at the moment to be a bunch of lies. So we might want to wait for the outcome of that ( get your popcorn ready it's going to be good )

Cerich , I never comment on these boards because it usually is a **** throwing contest like this. FYSA I bought a set of your jet fins to take to Truk Lagoon over Thanksgiving, I was looking for a jet type fun that was neutral in salt water to dive wet with my CCR. I absolutely loved the fins bud. Two thumbs up from me.
Cerich , I never comment on these boards because it usually is a **** throwing contest like this. FYSA I bought a set of your jet fins to take to Truk Lagoon over Thanksgiving, I was looking for a jet type fun that was neutral in salt water to dive wet with my CCR. I absolutely loved the fins bud. Two thumbs up from me.

awesome, glad to hear
4 Court recovered money and put in escrow.

5 court lifted injunction and AH is doing business as usual until after court case.

Now we can get on with our lives :wink:
Now we can get on with our lives :wink:

This is so much fun to watch however.
I ran into a guy today at my shop who has one of these tanks and he didn't seemed thrilled learning about this issue. Aside from the crappy buoyancy characteristics of those tank (So I was told).

Anyway @cerich I'm sure he learned of this from one of your threads, which was your intent and a good one at that.

I ran into a buddy in town over the Holiday and we were discussing work. He does finance for a company that manufactures fire dept. equipment and through talking politics and work a discussion about working with the Chinese and quality came up and he said, "It's a real problem. We don't do business with them anymore. Your first order meets spec for a stainless steel alloy and the next order is some completely inferior alloy. You'd never know unless you checked."

My point is I would be very cautious filling and putting these tanks into service... IMO.
I ran into a buddy in town over the Holiday and we were discussing work. He does finance for a company that manufactures fire dept. equipment and through talking politics and work a discussion about working with the Chinese and quality came up and he said, "It's a real problem. We don't do business with them anymore. Your first order meets spec for a stainless steel alloy and the next order is some completely inferior alloy. You'd never know unless you checked."

My point is I would be very cautious filling and putting these tanks into service... IMO.

The Chinese are quite capable of producing top quality goods, but insuring the quality of any given batch can be challenging.

Large concerns that can build and staff their own production facilities have good control over quality.

2nd Tier concerns that may not own the foreign facility can still employ QA managers that answer to them, not the production facility owners. This too works pretty well

Below those two levels the situation changes. Often a buyer in the US seeking a foreign made item is dealing with a "Broker", but may not be fully aware that this is the case. The Broker has a range of contacts in China that produce the requested goods, but does not own the facilities, and may not be involved in QA. A US buyer places and order, and the Broker puts the request out for bid. The low bidder gets the job and the goods are produced. This 1st production facility may or may not be the low bidder for any reorders. I've had the experience of requesting samples, approving them, and finding after the 18-24 week lead time that the goods were markedly different from the samples. The reason is simple, the samples were provided by factory A, but factory B was the low bidder the day the Broker let the contract.

Low costs of production, but this comes at the price of not alway knowing *what* is going to be in the box when it finally arrives, and trying to trace back to the actual maker can be nearly impossible.

Add to that the real chances that agency certifications maybe counterfeit......

And they (FBI) hire more Mormons than any other identifiable group. It used to be Irish Catholics. Now it's Mormons. They like to hire people who can't be corrupted.
The one thing you don't want looking into your records is a Mormon accountant with a gun and unlimited time.

Being that I live in Oootah I am going to call bovine excrement on the above other than to say Mormon missionaries are often in high demand because of the language skills learned during foreign missions.

As for Mormons not be corruptible - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Let me introduce you to a Utah based MLM investment. It will make this little spat look like popcorn.

Speaking of which, I now return you all to your popcorn.
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Dude: you don't have the standing to challenge me, and I doubt you're doing the diving I do so it's unlikely I'll find you on the boat.

I don't drink.

George Irvine rises again???
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