Aldora versus Living Underwater

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I usually try to stay clear of what appear to me to be a lot of blatant commercial messages for dive ops, but since you asked... ;^)

Cozumel Equalizers is a small, independent dive shop owned and operated by Darwin Zapata, who has been diving the waters around Cozumel virtually all his life. His "A" boat, the Karen, is an eight seater with shade and twin Yamaha 150's (or are they 200's?). I don't want to go any faster on the water than that boat goes, anyway.

The money I spend with him goes to feed his family and those of his DM's, nowhere else. The owners of several shops on Cozumel are former DM's of Darwin's.

He employs only 2 or 3 DM's but they are always knowledgable and cordial. They let their customers dive their computers and only do as much "handholding" as the skill sets of their customers demand. They do everything they can to allow every diver to squeeze the most out of every dive.

His operation came highly recommended to me by a colleague who does a lot more diving than I will ever be able to afford to do, and in ~11 years of diving with them, I have never been disappointed in their service. They charge near the lower end of the going rate, and give a discount for repeat business.

End of testimonial. ;^)
If you are debating Aldora vs, Living Underwater, I suggest Liquid Blue. They run the same program with the steel 120's, extended bottom times, but the personal service is above and beyond the other two.

Roberto and Michaela, owners and operators are always around to make sure you are getting exactly what you are paying for! Roberto will personally dive with every group during their trip if he has more than one boat going out, and anyone he hires to assist is always top notch! Roberto was one of the best Dm's/Instructor's Aldora ever had. The favorite DM's from Aldora (Roberto, Jorge and Omar) have all left the operation.

Liquid Blue's website is here, check them out:

Sorry to burst your bubble with your ad for Liquid Blue. What are you doing an ad for LB when you have your own operation? That's an interesting angle.

Been using Aldora for 4 years and would not consider changing. They do a great job. I will change DO should something stupid like them go out of business or sell.

Omar is a good DM but certainly was not one of the favorites under ANY cercumstances. Jorge is a good dude all around, no doubt.

Just to give you an idea on Omar, last May, Omar was to be our AOW DM. Aldora was giving us a deal on the course for my wife and I. Omar, to my face, said that he was a DM as a way of living and not for just a life style. Said he is paid commissions for those courses and he was not going to make enough money based on what Aldora was charging us. I told him not to worry, I would take care of him. Obviously it was not enough - extra $100 cash for him so we dove with Mateo. I would never dive with that ass under any might tell him this storey and he will remeber the situation. We requested Omar since Bill was going to be out of the country. We were treated this way by Omar when we requested him for the week for our DM. Mateo is a good guy and did a great job. We did not learn anything in the AOW anyway since we have been doing those things for sometime anyway.

I was very pleased with the way Aldora handled the situation. Dave was there and Memo handled it the way it should have been handled. Good thing we never dove with Omar again. What a jerk.
dove with Aldora and Living Underwater many times each. I have also dove with a couple dozen other operators here. I live in Cozumel full-time and have my own small personal operation, but I don't have steel tanks.

I wasn't saying that Omar is my personal favorite, but many people do like him. I actually tend to agree with you, his attitude can be arrogant and abrasive at arguments with you there, I've seen it...but he can also be a very nice guy.

Regarding Living Underwater, Oracio is not diving anymore and he is rarely seen by his customers. Jeremy is his full-time divemaster and he is a great guy, I really like him.

I am suggesting that Liquid Blue provides the same service with regards to the steel tanks/longer bottom times, but the service is much more personalized and tailored to each groups needs and preferences. They also do not restrict dive sites if there are only a couple of divers on the boat. Customer service is their forte and I am simply encouraging people that are looking for the steel tanks to give them a try or at least check out their website. In my opinion, they run one of very best operations in Cozumel, and this is based on diving with many operators on the island, not just a well as running my own operation. Customer service is really important to me when I am a customer, therefore I provide it to mine and expect it from others!

Very well. I respect your candor and reasons for what has developed a well thought out opinion.

I used to like Omar as well.....until our run in last May. I have not experienced the site limitations with only a few divers. The last time I experienced a very small group was a year and a half ago when we were diving with Bill. It was just he, his girlfriend and me and my wife. We did that for 3 days and dove where we wanted. Now, things could have changed around there no doubt. Since we only get there once a year it is difficult to know what is going on until you get there or have good/bad reports from good sports here on the board.

It's nice to know that another DO has that much respect for another DO. Those rec's are certainly hard to come by if there is no relationship between the two. I might have considered trying them for a day, but since you told me that Omar is there I don't really feel like running into him again. Thanks for all your thoughts and opinions Christi.
nor do I believe they will ever hire him. He is doing his own thing now as well anyway. It is Roberto and a select few that he hires when he needs additional divemasters. His standards are very high, so he only hires top notch DM's to work with them when the need arises.

I have alot of respect for several operations and don't hesitate to recommend others when I am booked or don't feel I can accommodate certain groups or requests. Of course I would love to just get on here and advertise for myself, but the truth is that there are many good operations here (and many bad ones) and I make recommendations based on what people express their needs/preferences to be.

When I go dive for "fun" and want to be pampered and taken care of, my top choices are Liquid Blue, Careyitos and Deep Blue. all provide great customer service, safety, quality diving and excellent crews!

I think many people on the boards think that we all (DO's) hate each other and are out for each other's heads, but it's not the case. Although there are definitely those who play dirty, most of us have a professional respect for each other. This is a tough business, and even tougher with enemies!

You should try to get down here more often! Today wa actually one of the best days of Coz diving I've seen in months. 100 ft +++++++++ visibility, flat seas, 85 surface temp, 84 water temp, blue skies and LOTS of critters!

Glad to know Omar is not there......I misunderstood you.

I would love to come to Coz 3 or 4 times a year but work just gets in the way.

Sounds like today was a wonderful time. Hope you have many more like that in the future. Take care and thanks for all the thoughtful info.
Been lurking around in the background. I will be diving in Coz with Aldora in November. Hope the good conditions hold up or improve :)

Cant wait. Less then a month left!!!
Looking forward to your report when you get back. Hope to hear all is well with Aldora. You might also include what DM you dive with and who else is still there. Have a great trip. I will have to wait until May for my next fix.
Just to drop my .02 into a topic that already has $2.00 worth of opinions!!!

I posted on this board and Rodale's looking for info on Buena Ventura Diving since they package with the villa rental company I am using. Christi responded and in an even handed, fair way provided me with her thoughts on the op. Now, in my opinion and experience, as both a diver and someone who has run hotels for some years now, finding someone to give a fair and balanced critique of another operation, without once pushing her own, is very rare and very commendable.

To put this in perspective, I sent out the same e-mail to 3 other dive ops (who I will not name) but all 3 of which are considered among the top 5 on this board and others. I asked each one a series of questions, one of which was, if you do not have availability who would you reccomend. This was not meant to be a trick question but just a way to find someone else. Their responses however were very interesting. They were as follows:

1. "No one else does what we do."
2. "We are the only dive op you should dive with! ; )"
3. No response at all.

Looking at this immediately put Christi into the top bracket of operators I was considering and knocked some people out. In the end I think I will go with Ventura if he has availability, because of a great package deal with the villa company, and in no small part, because of the honest and candid respnse of someone like Cindi.

Cindi... I am so glad that you think that what you do is very common, but as someone who has dived lots of "popular" dive spots, and as someone who ususlaly does lots of research ((probably way too much) before going, your sttitude is not only rare but refreshing. Should I ever be asked about a dive op in Coz I will reccommned you simply on that basis.

Mike... I am certainly not trying to attck you or implying that your were attacking Cindi and I am sure that Condi does not need me to defend her (see previous messsages for proof) but I really think her candor is rare and should be appreciated, not questioned.

:) :)

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