Aldora versus Living Underwater

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I know this has been debated and comment on ad nauseam, but before I book something can I please get any comments on whether either of the above are superior to the other? My impression seems to be that they are both superior dive operations.

I have heard good things about Living Underwater. I have dove with Aldora many times and would highly recommend them. I have no intentions of ever diving with anyone else.
I second Tim's opinion of Aldora. Only DO I will use. Not that there are not other good DO on Coz. Why change from something you are completely satisfied with and take a chance on being disappointed?

I have also heard good things about LU. They are former EE's of Aldora so the program is quite similar. They do not have as many boats.....or they did not used to. They could have grown in the last year or so.
I dove with Living Underwater last year. Good op, but small. They have one boat which means unless you are with a group, you may get stuck with beginner divers.
I too am now an Aldora convert. I haven't been with LU. Even though I was the only diver on 3 out of 4 diving days scheduled, Aldora still went out, and even did a 3rd tank with me, even though their policy was not to with less than 4 divers. Not sure if a smaller operation would have done this. With the exception of Dive Paradise (big boats, big passenger counts), none of the dive boats I saw had more than a few customers on them. It's great for having the reefs to yourself, but bad for the DO's business, so I believe some operators opt to not go out if there aren't enough divers, rather than lose money.
I have never dived with LU but I have dived with Aldora and have no complaints. They are a very good DO and I highly recommend them. I will be diving with Aldora on Nov 16 - 19. Time is ticking away!!!
5615mike once bubbled...
I second Tim's opinion of Aldora. Only DO I will use. Not that there are not other good DO on Coz. Why change from something you are completely satisfied with and take a chance on being disappointed?

I feel exactly the same way about Cozumel Equalizers.
ggunn once bubbled...

I feel exactly the same way about Cozumel Equalizers.

Don't know anything about Cozumel Equalizers. Who are they and why do you like them ggun? Anything special they offer?

Always nice to know about other DO's incase something bad happens to your DO heavin forbid.

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