Come on the boat with me. I'll find them all day long for you.
That and painted elysia. For some reason I never saw them and now I can't stop seeing them.
Painted E. I've never seen them in Coz. Where do you see them? Depth / Type of terrain?
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Come on the boat with me. I'll find them all day long for you.
That and painted elysia. For some reason I never saw them and now I can't stop seeing them.
Painted E. I've never seen them in Coz. Where do you see them? Depth / Type of terrain?
OMG, bro. EVERYWHERE. The wife showed me one and now I can't stop finding them. I mean I dove Coz for years and never saw one. Now I can't stop. I think mainly on shallower areas. Doesn't have to be CS-shallow but just not deep. Just stop at every patch of that green grassy algae and you will find them EVERWHERE. The wife likes taking shots of the little stuff, so I point them out. It has gotten to the point, I only point the good one, I have been seeing that many. They are darn small, mostly. I bought a little magnifying glass so I can eyeball them a bit while waiting for her to finish the last one.
Seriously, you shouldn't have to go to more than 2 groupings of that grass algae to find some. Just find the algae patched and stick your face down there. Even found a lettuce something one, though those seem rare.
This guy was like the not as long as your thumb nail is wide. Just look for the algae that look like that. You can see it a ways off and then find the little things.
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I warn you. its a curse. There I am, head stuffed in a tiny patch algae staring at a couple PE, and Eagle Rays, loggerheads, and even dolphins or gray whales for all I know are swimming by. I am at the stage where I don't *quite* need reading glasses, so I am down there trying to get the right closesness to get a good look and cocking my head to look through the clearest bit of mask defog. Anything bigger than my fingernail, I don't even notice!
The limericks only make sense in the Context of the Contentious Thread, I don't know how many I have posted, I try only to post them if they add to they add something useful, or are really rude, or BOTH!DISCLAIMER: Thread drift! (unheard of on SB)
Who likes idea to get @Bubblesong to start a thread with all of his/hers (sorry, can't be bothered to check out) "poems"?