You probably saw me on Saturday (I was there from the gates opening until around 5pm), but I had no idea which of the many divers might be someone from scubaboard... If you saw or talked to the 6'2"-ish 180#-ish guy with a pony tail and a yellow 19cf pony (diving out of a little white Hyundai Tiburon with "CLAYJAR" plate), that would've been me. I *did* have three very enjoyable dives, however.
The first dive, I went to the 30' platform, continued down to the vicinity metal box (borg cube?), twittered around a while around 80-85', and then returned to the 30' platform and pipes to practice fin counts and bearings before returning to the dock.
For the second dive, I went along the line past the condemned dinosaur to the sailboat, and then off the starboard incline down to 105' for a short stint to do some backward name spelling and math and such to check my mental form (I should've brought a sudoku on my dive slate to break up the monotony). Then it was back up to the wall and along to the bus. From there, I continued to the aforementioned Cube and then up to the 30-ish platform, over to the pipes, and along the wall past the car and back to the docks.
The last dive I went back along to the sailboat, bus, cube, platform, and pipes, and then I continued all the way under the docks and around to the... er... "well-equipped" fire truck. Diving along the walls reminded me a lot of the jetties at St. Andrews, but without being the mole in a game of whack-a-mole (played by the current).
I dove in my 5/4 with a hooded vest, and I must say, while it wasn't warm at the bottom, it wasn't bad either. Then again, it was *significantly* warmer than the third underwater terrace on the South Holston Lake dam in Tennessee the day before. (That was "so, *how* much is a drysuit, again?" temperature.) I'm definitely going to have to make it back to Blue Water some more... and some of the others, too, I hope (with requisite buddy).