+1!I've read through this thread twice and it really sounds like a lot of divers telling us how to do little things to avoid the inconvenience of a piece of gear that isn't necessary in the first place. I don't want a dump valve on my right shoulder. Merry had one that kept getting stuck under a D-ring, dumping her BC at the surface when she didn't want it to. I also don't use a pull dump. I've seen too many of them break by over pulling. Having a backup reg under my chin doesn't weigh any more than an Air2 so the carry on bag argument doesn't hold water. If I have to share air with someone they get my primary on a long hose and I breathe my backup. I'm free to adjust my buoyancy without having to take the reg from my mouth, press the deflate button softly or any other contortion. I haven't heard one good reason to own an Air2 yet. Eliminating one hose but adding another reg/inflator is not a good reason.
The air 2 is good for the diver who does 1 or 2 dives a year.
But really, Safety is of the primary concern when diving not eliminating hoses which are there for a reason in the first place.
The longhose and bungeed backup is by far the most streamlined, safest and easiest setup for a gas sharing scenario, and it carries all the way..... right through to cave or wreck penetration if you ever decide to go that route. I also believe, not only as having a longhose, but that being able to properly and fully deploy the longhose with ease is of paramount importance.