Air in tank marked Nitrox?

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Rec Diver:
You breath that much in the air you breath on a daily basis, it is called pollution. If you don't beleve me call your heating contractor to measure the amount of CO in your home right this second. You have a big surprise on the way if you do.
You need to have your furnace serviced!
When diving, the partial pressure increases with the depth, so CO levels that only give you a headache at the surface will kill you underwater.

What a wonderful hijack it's been...

Actually after reading a bit more it looks like ~500-800 ppm is where CO starts to be considered lethal, not 200 ppm.

500 ppm is 0.05%. 1% is roughly 20 times this amount.
Does it scare anyone else that Rec Diver claims to be an HVAC technician but knows so little about carbon monoxide?
Rec Diver:
Originally Posted by Charlie99
Your logic fails to recognize that CO poisoning is caused by the CO binding with the hemoglobin in the blood. Once the hemoglobin gets "locked up" by the carbon monoxide, then it's not available to transport O2.

The fraction of a percent of CO needed to kill you is small enough that CO contaminated air still reads about the same as pure air on the O2 analyzer.

Charlie Allen
Have you actually performed these test? Becuase I have.

Yes, I have measured CO levels if that's what you mean. No, I haven't measured hemoglobin sat levels or personally determined the lethal dose of CO, but that has been pretty well established.

Have you ever measured CO levels? Or more to the point, since your profile says your are an HVAC contractor, have you ever looked at your carbon monoxide meter and noticed that its reading is displayed in PPM, not % ????

That's the only way you could possibly say as you did in another post, that 1% CO is a level normally found in homes.

Charlie Allen

p.s. 1% = 10,000 ppm
You're rather exagerating that BOOM thing. It ain't exactly like you're pouring nitroglycerin into your bottle.

From Luxfer's site:

By the time the pressure-relief device is ready to activate, either the valve is forcefully ejected at high velocity or the cylinder ruptures—or both

Wouldn't that qualify as either a Boom or a Bang-Zing?

You really have to do something stupid to blow it up or, more likely, burn it down. The compresser that puts enough oil into a bottle to comprimise it is one you don't want to be filling from.

From what I've read elsewhere it really doesn't take much oil to ignite. Once the fire starts, the aluminum itself starts burning.

But, again, I admit I have no personal experience. Do you?
From what I've read elsewhere it really doesn't take much oil to ignite. Once the fire starts, the aluminum itself starts burning.
But, again, I admit I have no personal experience. Do you?

Well, I've filled a few bottles. I saw one burn down ( no, it wasn't my fill ).
Once you get a fire you've got a problem, It's just Not true that just because there's a little contamination in the bottle it's going to blow Immediatly and every time. you may notice Luxfur holds to the 23.5% rule? That means that EVERY first stage used on a nitrox dive that wasn't O2 Cleaned for 100% service is going to blow! We both know that's BS.

I hope you read the part about a source of ignition, just placing Most things in a pure O2 envirorment even at many Atm will not cause combustion.

How many of you ahve a Oxy/Acetelene welding rig?? how careful are you of contamination when you change that Oxy tank out?? how many of you blown up because you wern't careful? see what I mean? is pure O2 dangurous? yes. will it automaticly kill you if you sneeze? no.

Oh yeah, the one bottle I saw burn down Was Impressive - flames 8 ft in the air!
The damn fool just spun the valve on the O2 tank open and dumped a full flow into a tank. It took about 10 sec and whoose. I have Pix of the bottle somewhere, it looked like a Very large cutting torch was used from inside the tank up through the valve. It only left a few shreds of valve in the bottle.
Oh, BTW it's "duct" tape not 'duck' because the original use was in sealing ventilation duct work. That's why it originaly onlycame in gray - to match the galvanized sheat metal ducts.

You can go to your local Lowe's or Home Despot and buy "Duck Tape" complete with a real purty yaller ducky on the label!! Comes in other purty colors as well!!! :D


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