Agua Rica, Costa Rica ?

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Boston, MA
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200 - 499
Anyone out there have any experience diving with Agua Rica in Tamarindo, Costa Rica ? I understood that they mainly go to Catalina Island, which sounded like a better bet than other sites in the northwest. I'm planning a trip for next December and looking for the best operator. Wasn't very impressed with most of the well-advertised operators after reading reviews here and on Undercurrent. Any advice welcome...
Anyone out there have any experience diving with Agua Rica in Tamarindo, Costa Rica ? I understood that they mainly go to Catalina Island, which sounded like a better bet than other sites in the northwest. I'm planning a trip for next December and looking for the best operator. Wasn't very impressed with most of the well-advertised operators after reading reviews here and on Undercurrent. Any advice welcome...

We're contemplating Costa Rica for our required get out of Honduras trip (visa renewal) during July. This is one of the places we've considered.....affordable to travel to this area from Honduras as opposed to other places with reasonable diving but outrageous travel costs.
We're contemplating Costa Rica for our required get out of Honduras trip (visa renewal) during July. This is one of the places we've considered.....affordable to travel to this area from Honduras as opposed to other places with reasonable diving but outrageous travel costs.

im also going to tamarindo april5th thru 10th and am looking for a reputable dive operator.
im also going to tamarindo april5th thru 10th and am looking for a reputable dive operator.

I also read about another operation in Tamarindo called "Pacific Coast Diving" or something like that - anyone know anything about it ? No website that I could find.
I moved back to the US after living in Costa Rica in July. I was living in Guanacaste in a town called Brasilito next to Flamingo and Tamarindo - right where you are going diving. (yes, I am deeply reconsidering my move back!!) Seriously though, I was diving there every weekend and can recommend Pacific Coast (with Todd) and the Edge. If the Edge is back doing trips they have the absolute best dive master/instructors and will allow you the most underwater time possible (if you aren't an air sucker). Mary Ann is one of the best critter finders as is Alex.

Pacific Coast tends to be more regular with their trips and things usually run very smoothly. As I was there a year I did dive with other companies but I found these 2 companies to provide the best all around trip on a consistant basis.

If you want to take me I'll go cheap!!hahaha
I just joined the board and am on my way to dive with my brothers for a week in Costa Rica. We are leaving on Saturday 3/4, for Tamaindo and would love to get in touch with other local dive operations other then Agua.
MJC Ma: try Deep Blue or Ocotal diving located in Octoal Resort. will be looking for your report when you get back...have fun and good luck

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