After-market fin straps / night diving survey

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Hey all,

I'm a Rutgers University student and I'm doing a project on after-market fin straps (and if divers prefer them over the straps that came with dive fins) and night diving. It's a 9 question survey and shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

I'm hoping that I can get over a 1000 responses (or is that wishful thinking?) to make accurate graphs for class presentation.

Here is the link:

SCUBA Diving Survey



I would also appreciate it if you could ask some of your dive buddies to fill out the survey. Thanks.

Also, for my dive background:
I am NAUI certified and used to dive a lot in La Jolla, San Diego, CA before I moved to NJ. I've also gone diving in Brisbane, Autralia

Thanks again.
I do not understand question #5, of course I prefer the aftermarket spriing straps I have on my 4 pair of fins that why I put them on., Question 8, I have no "extra concerns" while night diving. since I'm unable to leave them blank survey will not summit!
FYI, night diving and after-market fin straps are such dissimilar topics that you'll have a hard time interpreting results unless you're trying to prove some sort of correlation between the two since plenty of people will really only have any experience with one topic or the other. A 'per month' night diving number means nothing since many people *might* get one night dive a year.

Did you go over your survey with your prof before submitting it?

I can see a bunch of ways it would be rejected due to sampling error from the get go.

I don't see the point of the survey. What does after market fin strap have to do with the risks of night diving? If this is a project for a college level statistic class? I hope that you wouldn't hand it in.

My suggestions would be, if you did night dives, how many lights do you carry (1, 2, 3, 4). Do you practice more conservative buddy habit in night dive than day dives? Have you had specialized training for night dive? Do you use a chemical light stick or a continous beacon type light in addition to your primary light? Do you limit your depth with night dives? What procedures do you follow with buddy separation at night? How many night dives have you done (4 choices - 0-5, 5-10, 10-30, 30- etc...).

The hypothesis could be that divers with specialty night training might dive more conservatively than one who has not. They might carry more light. This might also correlate with the number of night dives they have done too.

As it is right now, the survey could also be made to find correlation between night diving and interest in dating big breasted females....
Oh, I get it.... This thread is to imply that it is very easy to get into Rutgers University??
I like big breasted females more than night diving. Where is that survey?
You guys, he is trying to get a feel for the potential market for glow or flash in the dark fin straps, kind of like the shoes with the blinking lights in them. They will soon be on every dive rags Best Of page along with glow in the dark tank bangers.

I wondered about that. Be real easy to keep track of DIR teammates if they had say, flashing pink fin straps on. I also agree that it is an indication of how low our educational system is sinking. Getting into Rutgers or really any ivy league school must be like getting into chuckie cheese's. If you can run, jump, catch and throw, then you don't even have to pay for it. Kinda like the Salvation Army soup kitchen admittance requirements. Go Whoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Took the survey but there was no place for those of us who don't care if we can see our buddy on a night dive. Unless she's a big breasted female of course! Then I know where my primary is focused on!!! Maybe that's why I keep running into stuff?
Be real easy to keep track of DIR teammates if they had say, flashing pink fin straps on.

Yup, they would be the single divers still on shore, because no one will dive with them.

*This question requires an answer

8. What do you think is the biggest concern in night diving?

_ Lack of visibility

_ Equipment malfunction

_ Inadequate planning

_ Water temperature

What if I have no concerns?

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