Curiously, the Brit magazine "Diver" (net version "Divernet") has diverging opinions on the Xstram. The favorable one, I believe it's in the October issue, came from the venerable John Bantin. The other one, unfavorable, was a set of opinions from a panel of testers in the December (?) issue.
The hardcopy issue noted the difference of opinion in a footnote. Curiously (there's that word again) the review on Divernet did not show the footnote.
I am not a partisan so i will not comment on the merits of what they said. Suffice it to say there's a serious difference of opinion among the reviewers.
I'm a Poseidon user myself (Jetstream) and a very happy one at that. But when I read the reviews some years ago of the Jetstream and Cyklon which which panned these fine pieces of kit I asked myself if I was missing sometihng. Which brings us to the question of why Poseidon rigs contiunue to sell and have such a loyal user base. User experience I guess.
Gear reviews are no substitute for user accounts- favorable and unfavorable- capped by trial use. Gear reviews are helpful only to the extent that they point out critical flaws. It also helps if the reviewers have some prior knowledge of a rig's characteristics. The Poseidon reviewers seemed astounded by the freeflow that happened when air was turned on. This is normal and it stops once the air is fully turned on. Someone in a previous thread said this is actually a good thing because it purges the system of obstructions etc.
Just my 10 Drachmas worth.