Advice on deco reg set

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I'm taking a TDI Intro to Tech course, as extensively discussed in another thread, and the latest twist is that I apparently need an AL40 and oxygen clean reg set for "setting buoyancy", even though the course won't be doing actual deco.

So, I'm narrowing down to 3 options:
1) DGX First/D6 set. Currently out of stock but hopefully soon to come. $239
2) Diverite XT2 package. $299
3) Hog D2/Classic package. A little over $300

I'm leaning toward the DGX set, because I my doubles regs are DGX, service kits are inexpensive, and I've had great interactions with their customer service. But don't know if it will be in stock in time.
I'm leery of Diverite, because it's only rated to 50 feet, which is fine if I'm going to do 100% O2 deco eventually, but I would imagine I would like to have the flexibility for deeper deco with less rich gas mixes.
HOG looks like the best choice for features and flexibility. It's basically a regular compact reg set. I note that it's rated up to 2400 psi with 100% O2. Is that standard for all regs? I've also heard that HOG is less willing than DGX to deal directly with customers, which is a minus.

I'm taking Rob's service course in a few weeks and am enthusiastic about being as self sufficient as possible, so availability of parts and simplicity of service are high priorities. I'm a little shaky on the difference between regs in O2 compatibility, although I assume I'll learn that during in the course. But I need to make a purchase this week.

Can anyone validate if I'm thinking this through properly?
The same regs have advantages, but really for a deco reg, especially the second stage, you don't need to have a top-of-the-line reg, IMO. I use a HOG D1 and Edge Nano. . .

Interchangeability is nice though.
Most people should seriously consider the DGX Xtra regs. Essentially the same as a Mk25/G260 but half the cost, with parts you can buy yourself.
I've used the DGX deco first stage for 4 years now for 100% O2 deco. and it has worked great for me (diving at the AN/DP level). It is super cheap and for the cost of a reg service you can buy another one, or they sell the service kits. I have had no issues with mine. I use an Oceanic Alpha 8 second stage with it.

I also just ordered the Hog D2 package for a stage bottle reg setup.
Most people should seriously consider the DGX Xtra regs. Essentially the same as a Mk25/G260 but half the cost, with parts you can buy yourself.
Yep, and DGX service is remarkable. If you need something or there is an issue with your order, DGX will solve it right away.
I'm not familiar with any of those regs so cannot comment on them. However...

My preference for deco/bailout regulators is for an easy breathe, a swivel turret and excellent flood tolerance.

The Scubapro Mk25 satisfies all of the above and that's why I have 6 of them, combined with a variety of S550/555, S600 and A700 second stages.
Most people should seriously consider the DGX Xtra regs. Essentially the same as a Mk25/G260 but half the cost, with parts you can buy yourself.
The DGX Xtra looks interesting. When I saw your post, I was hoping more people would comment on this reg. Deep6 seems to get more attention here than DGX among the non-major brands. The DGX Xtra looks like good value compared with the Deep6 Signature.

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