Personally, nothing turns me off more than if I'm on a boat and there is some loud mouth who just has to start rambling about all the places he's been, how many dives he has logged, blah blah blah... And then I watch him attach the first stage of his reg to his tank upside down realize something is wrong when he tries to attach his LP hose to his BC and quietly fixes that. Then puts his wet suit on backwards and realizes that doesn't feel right and fixes that. Then hits the water and either can't submerge or sinks like a canon ball out of control. He's what I call a "Blidget" which is 100lbs of BS in a 10lb bag. I steer clear of such an individual as he is a danger to himself and anyone who may be in close proximity to him at depth. He's either going to kill himself or someone else because while he may hold a cert card he failed to learn anything and has no idea what he's doing. He's just a Blidget with a know-it-all mind set and because of that he's learned absolutely nothing as no one is going to try to teach a know-it-all fool. One learns by asking questions and listening to those who are more experienced and enjoy sharing their knowledge. No one ever learned anything with their mouth running.
As they say, "There's an a-hole on every boat and if ya can't tell who it is, it could be you!"