I have been reading this board for several days and the information in my brain is starting to get a little muddled. 
Despite not having many dives under my belt, I am considering going for my Advanced Open Water next month. It has been some time since I had formal instruction and I am very responsive to PADI instructional methods, not to mention due for some assessment and professional critique. I received a lot of general compliments on my control, buoyancy, and awareness on my last dive and feel as though taking this step will make me more comfortable diving more frequently, in varied environments, and with unfamiliar buddies (usually my biggest discomfort).
So, I will be staying in Chen Chemuyil. I gather from previous threads that Akumal is best saved for snorkeling and lazy beach days. Most of the other ops I see recommended are up in PDC. However, it also sounds like Puerto Aventuras has some nice reef as well. Is there a strong, quality option in PA or should I travel up to PDC?
If I commute to PDC, is Tank-Ha still a good option with the new owners? They are charging significantly less for the course than Blue Life, but I am not sure if it includes all of the certification fees. (Cost is a factor only if the quality of instruction is equal or greater).
A lady from Tankah (not Tank-Ha) lives down the road from where I am staying, but their web site doesn't give off a very professional vibe...(not that such is necessarily a direct indicator of quality)...
Open to any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance!

Despite not having many dives under my belt, I am considering going for my Advanced Open Water next month. It has been some time since I had formal instruction and I am very responsive to PADI instructional methods, not to mention due for some assessment and professional critique. I received a lot of general compliments on my control, buoyancy, and awareness on my last dive and feel as though taking this step will make me more comfortable diving more frequently, in varied environments, and with unfamiliar buddies (usually my biggest discomfort).
So, I will be staying in Chen Chemuyil. I gather from previous threads that Akumal is best saved for snorkeling and lazy beach days. Most of the other ops I see recommended are up in PDC. However, it also sounds like Puerto Aventuras has some nice reef as well. Is there a strong, quality option in PA or should I travel up to PDC?
If I commute to PDC, is Tank-Ha still a good option with the new owners? They are charging significantly less for the course than Blue Life, but I am not sure if it includes all of the certification fees. (Cost is a factor only if the quality of instruction is equal or greater).
A lady from Tankah (not Tank-Ha) lives down the road from where I am staying, but their web site doesn't give off a very professional vibe...(not that such is necessarily a direct indicator of quality)...
Open to any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance!