ADIEU's 2016 Alaska Diving Compilation Video

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Another great year of diving throughout Alaska! The theme this year was discovery, and we expanded out from Passage Canal and Resurrection Bay into more distant and less frequently dove areas in Prince William Sound, Aialik Bay, Kachemak Bay and Unalaska Island. We explored dozens of new dive sites, many of which greatly exceeded our expectations.

So many great stories to tell, and so many awesome wildlife encounters. From the smallest of the nudibranchs to the majestic sea lions, it's been one heck of a year.

Huge thanks to all the dive buddies who made this possible!


(Shot entirely with a GoPro Hero4 Silver, Backscatter Macro lenses and Archon D11V lights)
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Well done ! Bravo!

So sorry I missed you last summer- I suspect we would have had a lot to chat about.

I am surprised that there was not a spear gun in sight in your video-- yet my impression of Alaska & Alaskans was that they are all hunters and survive during the winter on the abundant local wild life & sea food

One suggestion for future videos-- the "recognized and official" proportions of the red & white dive flag as established and agreed on in the late 1950s was 5 units wide X 4 units high X 1 unit white stripe --but is was probably so darn cold that the white stripe froze and was reduced in size.

Once again --- Well done ! Bravo!-- Keep up the good work! ,Videos such as yours are always appreciated

Very nice compilation! An aside question, is the diver at the 1:11 time stamp sporting a DUI BlueHeat battery pack/system? And if so, how are your local folks liking it?

No, that's just a canister light and an unconnected EO port for the diver's Santi gloves. =)

With regard to BlueHeat - it was demo'd up here last year. I didn't dive it myself, but spoke with the divers who did. They generally had positive comments about the warmth it provided. The negatives revolved around the size of the battery pack (it's HUGE!), and that it wasn't lasting for a full dive. It's also extremely expensive ($3k!).

If I were in the market for electric undies, I'd look at the Santi system, but I've done quite well with conventional undergarments, even for long duration dives in the middle of winter. I haven't even been bothering with argon anymore and haven't noticed a difference.

So sorry I missed you last summer- I suspect we would have had a lot to chat about.

I am surprised that there was not a spear gun in sight in your video-- yet my impression of Alaska & Alaskans was that they are all hunters and survive during the winter on the abundant local wild life & sea food
That's more widely true outside of Anchorage, but yes... I do have a freezer full of rockfish, a few silver salmon, and PWS spot prawns. Skipped caribou hunting this year to go diving.

And no worries Sam - you just discovered what all Alaskans already know: there isn't enough time in the summer to do everything we'd like to!

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My wife Betty and I have been following the temperature dropping in so many lovely places we visited in Alaska. Almost impossible to visualize them covered with snow and ice and only a few days of daylight - A tip of the snorkel to all you rugged Alaskan divers ! Currently it is slightly misting here in CenCal- As card carrying Kalifornians we are remaining inside for fear we will dissolve in the mist or at lest shrink a bit .

Thanks for the fish pictures - very impressive and I assume large for Alaskan waters

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