Add ons, plug ins and hacks...

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The Chairman

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Scuba Instructor
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Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
As we migrate to this new server, many of the older features have been turned "off". Some of them will make it back naturally, and some won't. If there is something that you CAN'T seem to live without, please let us know HERE. Our hope is to have all of the add ons/plug ins/hacks installed within the next few weeks.
El Orans:
The ole workaround for excluding specific forums from "New Posts" is still here: :D

NO NO NO. I like it the other way. Pleeeeaaaaasseeee. When I sneak on at work, I need a quick and dirty fix.:10: I can't use that other thing. It doesn't work for me.

NO NO NO. I like it the other way. Pleeeeaaaaasseeee. When I sneak on at work, I need a quick and dirty fix.:10: I can't use that other thing. It doesn't work for me.
Once things are more stable BOTH options will be available.
There's another post about this but to have the list in one place:
The 'Edit Dive Info' is leading to a blank page at the moment.
I'm missing the upload button in the photo gallery - I think that might be an important item to turn back on :D.
A user wrote me and says
even though I am logged on I am unable to upload photos to any of my galleries. I get a message that states Sorry, you don't have permission.
Table functionality has gone AWOL...

Everywhere I used a table ([table]column 1|column 2|column 3[/table]) to display data in columns and rows the following text is displayed: "No code has to be inserted here."

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