Just to to calm those worried about AI wrong reading, my perdix AI arrived two days ago and yesterday I connected it to an oceanic wireless transmitter.
Then I compared it with a good SPG I know is quite accurate. Then I also connected other 2 suunto transmitter leaving the accurate mechanical SPG attached and repeated the test.
This is the result:
SPG 200, 150, 100, 50 25
Perdix + Oceanic 199, 147, 99, 49. 23
HeLO2 + suunto1 199, 152, 101, 51, 25
D4i + suunto2 198, 149, 99, 47, 25
So they are more o less within few bar from the SPG and, probably they could be more or less the same - is difficult to estimate 1 or 2 bar from an SPG dial.
Anyway, I'm happy with that.