To the best of my knowledge- there has never, ever been a single documented case of a recreational single tank diver breathing <40% EAN getting an 02 hit at any depth. Not one.
Seriously? We have to go down this road again?

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To the best of my knowledge- there has never, ever been a single documented case of a recreational single tank diver breathing <40% EAN getting an 02 hit at any depth. Not one.
NOPE!.....It's not your responsibility to provide a teaching lesson just minutes prior to splashing.....3- I suppose I bear some responsibility ......
Yes, problem there is that due to numerous depth changes, and this wreck in particular has areas of up to 25-30' of relief, that max bottom time based on a fixed depth is going to change.
We're about a half hour into this deep wreck dive and I've still got about 10 minutes left. I signal to her "is it ok" if I go and check out this forward hold one more time, she glances at her gauges, shrugs an "ok" so in I go, she follows and here I am pointing out 4 huge lionfish when she suddenly bolts for the line and starts ascending like she was about to miss a train.
I catch up to her on the line at 15' and she's totally freaked out- very unlike her. Gesturing, eyes wide, looking all around and pointing to her computer which says DECO, with an up arrow and "10''" and "1 minute". She's stopped at about 15' and has no clue. I calm her down with reassuring signals and gesture she follow me up to 10' but of course that's the last thing she wants to do. Luckily she trusts me when it comes to all things diving and gear related (although possibly not so much after this dive). We get to 10' and the DECO obligation is gone almost immediately.
To the best of my knowledge- there has never, ever been a single documented case of a recreational single tank diver breathing <40% EAN getting an 02 hit at any depth. Not one.
There have most certainly been divers who have o2-toxed diving mixes in the 21-40% range. I would have to dig up specifics, but I do know of a Florida instructor who convulsed doing a deep air dive in Mexico, early 90s.