Hey John....why not just close this "fiasco" of a thread. The rational accident analysis that it was intended to be continues on other less volitale venues. This thread has turned into an "us vs. them" mentality that serves no productive purpose for the dive community or for the family and friends.
Just my humble opinion and my last post in this thread.
This thread is still very informative. Don't close it.
I've read every post on this thread as it developed. There are divers who regularily read and post on Scubaboard who are frustrated and angry because they they don't like the chain of events and facts that have been revealed. They feel helpless, have unanswered questions, etc, so they state their frustrations in slightly harsh tones.
I haven't read very much bashing on here. There is quite a bit of analysis, some speculation, some hypothesis, and a sprinkeling of updates to the situation.
Because all divers are taught some very basic rules, we as a group see numerous violations in those basic rules and it frustrates us.
The rules of cave diving go well beyond the rules of basic diving, and there a numerous rules that have been violated there as well, which frustrates people.
It is impossible to analyse the situation without analyzing the decision process that lead Ben into the quandry that was the impetus for this entire thread even existing. If the analysis of that decision making process is interpreted as bashing the person, then I'm sure everyone who posted something to that effect is sorry.
It is inextricably part of the analysis though.
I truly hope that updates and conversation continue on this thread.