Sure. Ben was a very experienced diver who would dive any chance he got and had many certificates. Diving was a passion of his especially after his brother's passing. Every picture he has taken in the past year is of his dives. He was also a scuba diver instructor ( he recently was able to teach others in beginning to scuba dive). I do not know in detail about his certification levels as I am not a diver. I hope this helped.
Now cave diving, I do not know if he was certified but I can tell you he was always cave diving any chance he got. His pictures are just fascinating to look at from his dives.
In your line of experience with cave diving what do you think went wrong with this situation?
Based on what has been posted so far, it doesn't sound like he has formal cave training. Unfortunately open water instructors are probably among the most at risk for accidents in caves. Because they train other people how to dive, they wrongly assume they have the skills to handle situation in an overhead environment. I can't say with certainty this is what happened here, but it's been a common theme in the past.