...The question most of us are asking is why do some divers think it's ok to dive alone or go into caves that are dangerous like this? What is it that these divers are looking for? Adventure? Danger? Death?
Do any of you get scared underwater in a cave?
Great questions, everyone has their own comfort zone, a set of activities they feel are too dangerous for the benefit received. That is why I don't ride a motorcycle anymore. But with the proper training and equipment cave diving is an enjoyable and reasonably safe sport, by my calculus.
Is it adventure we are looking for? I suppose to some extent it is, but it isn't the adrenaline rush that I am looking for, in fact if I am doing it right and everything goes according to the plan, there won't be a rush. But being able to see some of the fantastic formations, the fossils, the wild life (yes, there are cave dwelling crawfish 2000 or more feet back in some of these caves, Vortex has cheese wizz eating eels as far as 1000 feet back) there is the comradarie of sharing your dives with your buddies, even those who were absent, being able to see something that so few others have ever had the opportunity to see, and like Everest, you dive the cave, because it is there.
Sometimes diving alone is okay, but it can't be done lightly or without proper planning; everything that your buddy would have carried (minus the extra brain, and you had better have the experience and training to make up for that missing piece) you need to carry. And be able to utilize it all in an emergency, without fumbling around to figure out where it is.
This particular cave is not overly dangerous, but it is more dangerous than a lot of people give it credit for. Just because it is located at a major open water dive training location, camp ground and summer swimming hole does not make it an simple cave to dive. I dive this cave frequently because it is convenient to where I live, so I can practice my skills without the extensive drive I have to make for other systems.
I have been scared underwater. The most scared I ever was had to have been several years ago, before I had a clue about cave diving, that an Open Water Scuba Instructor took me into the cave at Vortex, all the way to the gate. Wow, was that stupid! But now, with training and experience the scare is gone, I hope what remains is a healthy respect for the danger.
And finally, I am certainly not looking for death. I have invested a huge amount in terms of both time and money in diving, especially cave diving and it is my clear desire to keep enjoying the sport. If it were death that I was looking for, it would be a lot easier to just drown my self in the bathtub.
To family and friends, I am truly sorry for your loss. To the recovery teams, thank you for your efforts.