That's becoming exciting: I had a look at bunch of bytes by comparing the hex values to the xml file generated by the web portal and I find some corresponding values:
On my xml divelog I have
That would show up in HEX as:
<water_pressure>01 DE or DE 01</water_pressure>
<dive_temperature>00 A7 or A7 00</dive_temperature>
<p_amb_tol>02 18 or 18 02</p_amb_tol>
<hold_depth>01 95 or 95 01</hold_depth>
<active_tank>00 00</active_tank>
<tank_pressure>4F 44 or 44 4F</tank_pressure>
<warning_1>0E 00 00 01 or 01 00 00 0E</warning_1>
And guess what ? There's a sequence in the binary file that looks exactly the same !
1A 00 DE 01 A7 00 00 17 00 00 01 00 00 18 02 00 FF 95 01 63 00 00 44 4F 09 FF 00 01 00 00 0E and then 3 times 00 00 00 and the next sequences
There's still lots of work to do to decipher the whole binary file but it seems like we have a good start