If its of any use I'm taking a bunch of divers from our club to the local Hyperbaric chamber on August 3rd to do a chamber bounce dive to 50m for 10 minutes, deco done using Canadian DCIEM tables. They give a full printout of the deco schedule used afterwards. I can extract the xml files from my computer and send those with a copy of that deco shedule if you want?
If its of any use I'm taking a bunch of divers from our club to the local Hyperbaric chamber on August 3rd to do a chamber bounce dive to 50m for 10 minutes, deco done using Canadian DCIEM tables. They give a full printout of the deco schedule used afterwards. I can extract the xml files from my computer and send those with a copy of that deco shedule if you want?
Nice to see some other people trying to get out the data of the sda. I started a long time ago, decompiled the jar and created a wrapper class to sniff the communication between the 'web client' and the tinyrpc (which does the actual communication over files with the SDA) but then I stopped due to lack of time.
In my opinion, the hardest part is to get the actual data out of the dive blob... but therefor two options come to my mind:
- ask a former employee
- do several defined dives in a pressure chamber
-> fortunately I have access to bothbut as said the biggest problem for me is time...
but maybe if necessary and the interests is big enough I may allocate some spare time for this project as I would really love to sync to a 'real' pc app (as long as it works on linux)