Hey Andrew,
Like Peter and Oren said, come join us at Stillwater. I'll be ab diving in the morning and we'll be cooking up a bunch of fresh abalone afterwards in the picnic area around the benches.
I might even do a tank later.
As far as having scuba gear and abalone in the same camp. No problem.
Just an explanation of the facts is good enough. They have to catch someone taking abs on scuba. There is nothing that says scuba gear and abalone can not be in the same camp, building, or car. But abalone and a scuba can not be in the same boat and that means a kayak too.
Just make sure they are all tagged correctly (as soon as you get out of the water). Make sure you have all your paperwork with you in your float tube and don't leave it on shore.
Don't dilly dally when you get out to tag them. Do it right on the beach and not several hundred yards away or back at camp, RIGHT ON THE BEACH AS SOON AS YOU GET OUT OF THE WATER!
This was the number one ticket issued last year. Average fine was $1400 plus loss of licence for one year.
Don't transport any part of an abalone out of the shell. That also means guts. Some people like to keep them for bait. You can keep shells and transport them no problem, just no soft fleshy parts including abalone that you cleaned with intentions to eat. If it's cleaned and pounded you must cook it and eat it or throw it out. You can not have it in a cooler in a baggy and transport it.