Vtdiver2:I have one last question, and then I'm grabbing my bat and ball and going home.
Does the mudslinging in the original poat, even if it's via a link, violate the TOS of this board? His insinuations and accusations are rather serious, even slanderous, and the instructor in question was called out by name. I know if those accusations were headed my way in a public forum, I wouldn't be happy and would be considering legal action.
It seems that fortunately, due to the level of expertise of many of the SBer's here, it's easy to see thru the BS and see the original post for what it is.
Personally, if this thread doesn't violate the TOS, and the writer of the original post isn't sent packing, I'll be figuring out how to use the ignore feature.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that BB made an attack on the integrety of (what
made it worse in my book) a fellow Instructor. We know there are procedures to be
followed in a dispute and the last thing you do is wash dirty linen in public.
However if you do decide to go that route, you'd better make sure that your story
is tight and your rep intact, or the net detectives will rip you to shreds.