A somewhat sad conversation last night

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Welcome | Global Underwater Explorers is a good resource. The page on Equipment has a lot of information. There is also a sticky at the top of the DIR forum here on ScubaBoard, written some years ago by CaveDiver, which is a quick and reasonable read on the topic.
Wikipedia article on DIR is questionable imo... The stuff on GUE's page is a bit better.
If you can help make the wiki article better then it would be very helpful if you'd do so.
Sorry to ask this, I am new to Scubaboard, but what is DIR and GUE ?

At the risk of being considered really, really dumb - what or who is GUE or DIR divers? I have no idea what this means...perhaps an explaintion would help in understanding this thread???

Strokes. Just kidding, just kidding.

George Irvine was very harsh on passing on(imposing?) his philosophy to non DIR divers, we undoubtedly have plenty of people being harsh nowadays, but I believe a lot of times DIR practitioners get caught on flamed debates with non DIR divers that could have been avoided simply by acknowledging the fact that the non DIR does not have an understanding of what DIR is, also, I wouldn't be surprised to see DIR practitioners with this same lack of understanding, I remember often coming up with arguments on why something DIR was not the only way or the best way, that was until I was explained on the holistic approach, to exemplify... One of the most preferred subject may be about split fins, we see a lot people argue that they CAN swim an inch of the bottom and not disturb anything while on split fins, they will say they CAN frog kick with it and swim against the current, etc. Often the debate stays on singled out and isolated parts extracted from a HOLISTIC philosophy that requires an understanding of the whole picture.

When I first heard of DIR I din't know anyone that were DIR, so I asked the ones I considered most experient on tech and cave, the simplest and perhaps most accurate answer was, "the message is good, the messengers aren't". When something like that happens, what sticks with you is the messengers, the message is secondary, you no longer hear it, you stop associating the message with DIR and associate the messengers with it, messengers = bad, therefor DIR = bad.
I think even GUE acknowledges that now and tries to strain itself from the acronym DIR.

Sorry I could not read the entire thread but it looked like people no longer see DIR as bad for what I read, at least the majority, which is a good thing.
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If you can help make the wiki article better then it would be very helpful if you'd do so.

Actually, that wiki article's a lot better than it used to be ... thanks in part to some folks from ScubaBoard. The initial release of that article had a picture of a guy dressed in the right gear, but hanging onto the bottom. I thought it was a parody.

And it initially spent more time stereotyping the controversy of DIR than talking about DIR itself. I think it was initially written by someone who had been verbally abused by some unidentified dude in a backplate, long hose, and black drysuit ... and needed to get it off his chest ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
If you can help make the wiki article better then it would be very helpful if you'd do so.

Actually, that wiki article's a lot better than it used to be ... thanks in part to some folks from ScubaBoard. The initial release of that article had a picture of a guy dressed in the right gear, but hanging onto the bottom. I thought it was a parody.

The changes were made during and after a very long thread in the DIR section of ScubaBoard. People critiqued what it said and how it should be changed. There was a lot of excellent discussion. I think people would learn a lot about DIR by reading that thread.
So you do not follow all DIR principales! And what are they?

since I don't know all of the DIR guidelines, there are probably a lot that I don't follow. But to name a few:

my backup light has a switch, and I use it because it was cheaper although this one I will change when I start cave diving.
I will dive with unsafe divers, and help them if necessary
if my hands are preoccupied with something, like writing on my slate, I will hang my camera off of my d-ring and it hangs about 2 feet
I use a computer (and it has integrated wireless pressure guage)
If you can help make the wiki article better then it would be very helpful if you'd do so.

Dooonnnn't go there. Just trust me.
The major problem with the wiki thread is that it is poorly referenced. While it is fine to reference JJ as to "what" DIR is, referencing him as to "why" DIR is gets a bit self-serving and circular; and does not meet wiki reference guidelines.

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