The Kracken:
Specifically the IQ Pack and 60# lift bladder. I'm seriously considering embracing the DIR philosophy and my LDS has made me a very good offer on these two pieces of gear.
Thanx for your response.
I would seriously suggest signing up for a DIRF class and talking with your instructor about gear, or at least read the fundamentals book, before making a big gear purchase like this.
The IQ pack looks *way* too complicated. You only need 5 d-rings (they should be in specific places), a continuous piece of webbing for the harness, and 1 or no pockets placed on the harness. You'll save yourself a lot of money too by going for a very simple backplate and continuous harness.
As for wing choice, I'm going to assume you're diving singles. 60# of lift is probably way too big of a bladder. From what I've seen, most of us use something with a lift between 27 and 36#, even in cold water with steel tanks. Many of us are using wings with a circular aircell for singles, and of course, no bungies or double bladders. You can get quality stuff from OMS, DiveRite, Oxycheq, Halcyon and probably other. Focus on the features, not the brand.
Reg hose routing: I use a size 34ss bolt snap, this is for cold water and is slightly larger than the warm water divers. I don't even notice the bolt snap when the reg is in my mouth.
Also, you'll be doing yourself a favor if you learn the reasons behind why certain gear is recommended for DIR. Remember, a PBJ sandwich just ain't the same if you only know about the peanut butter.
DIR is a great philosophy, I'm really happy that I've "converted" and am trying to do it right. Just take the time to learn why you're doing what you're doing!