A micronit to pick on the User CP page?

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Is it just me, or is there a teeny tiny buglet in the User CP page source?

Right above the "New Subscribed Threads:" table, there is an extraneous "-->". It's been bugging me in the back of my head for a while, but I finally bothered to look. It appears to be coded right into the page:
<!-- ############## SUBSCRIBED THREADS ##############  -->

Anyway, like I said, it's a micronit to pick, but seeing what appears to be a dangling, extraneous HTML comment closing has a way of getting to a guy after a while. :wink:

Go figure, now I'm looking at the source and I don't see that... might be the local rendering that shows it there in the Web Developer extension... I'll look more.
AHA! Figured it out!

Okay, the problem is that there is a "--" within the comment:
<!-- Begin alternate colour for sticky threads -->

<!--	<td class="alt1" id="td_title_178126" title="Ok here goes-- Know that I'll catch a lot of flak but want to know 

Seems that SOLO DIVING is one of those things that needs to be adressed. I dive with a cameras more than any thing else. Locally most divers are steel slingers, ie. spearfishing.  They are. by practice, solo divers!! not one of..."> -->

		<td class="alt1" id="td_title_178126" title="Ok here goes-- Know that I'll catch a lot of flak but want to know 

Seems that SOLO DIVING is one of those things that needs to be adressed. I dive with a cameras more than any thing else. Locally most divers are steel slingers, ie. spearfishing.  They are. by practice, solo divers!! not one of...">

<!-- End alternate colour for sticky threads -->
With the doctype, "DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional", this does not validate. The "--" at the end of "Ok here goes--" breaks things such that the Gecko rendering system in Firefox ends up with an extraneous closing "-->", which it drops above the top of the table (its normal behavior for content in a table that's not properly in a cell, IIRC).

For a stripped-down example, try this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<table border='1'>
  <!--	<td title="Broken--"> -->
  <td title="Broken--">cell</td>
If you remove the doctype, the problem goes away, as it also does if you remove the doubled dash from within the comment.

I don't know if there's any handy way of preventing the commented portion from having doubled-dashes. Actually, I don't even know why it's there. Still, that is indeed where the issue is coming from, and if there's any convenient way to fix it, my obsessive-compulsive side will be ever so grateful. :D
LMAO don't you have work to do or something :rofl3:
Actually, a good chunk of my work is in-house web development, so this was good practice (and actually enlightening, as I had no idea you'd get such an odd-looking problem from adding a DTD).
I have something to call you but I don't want you to be offended because I mean it in the nicest possible way. . .
Don't worry, I won't be offended. In fact, I'm liable to be entertained, so call away. :D
nerd :D
Aww... I was hoping for more verbosity.

(Anyway, you're telling me you've either never seen the --> or else you've never been bothered by it? :D)
Aww... I was hoping for more verbosity.

(Anyway, you're telling me you've either never seen the --> or else you've never been bothered by it? :D)

YEAH UMM I even looked for it after I read this still don't see it. . . could be just an IE thing :D :rofl3: Firefox for life :rofl3:
Actually, I use Firefox exclusively, but remember that it only shows up if a thread begins with a "--" near the beginning of the first message, as the "--" in the 'title' attribute of the 'td' element is what triggers it. (This is one such thread.)

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