Hey Kelp,
It would be great if there was a guide that had all the info... but I sure haven't found it yet!! I have seen some good info on Ft. Ross at this site:
This guy calls himself SeaHunt and has some good articles and links on there but I did notice he has Ft Ross listed as North of Gerstle Cove, which is incorrect.
As far as spots I know of, the Ft Ross "Reef Campground" is good, I haven't camped ocean cove yet but it is super popular. Gerstle Cove is awesome diving and there are 2 campgrounds right there nearby. The WORST place is Stillwater...that place is horrible, make sure you tell everyone how bad it is there.
It's so bad there I wouldn't even recommend trying it...
With that said, I will be leaving in a few hours to spend the weekend up at Stillwater, camping and Diving all weekend long!!!! Man it's getting hard to get reservations there...