catherine96821:So, being hypothermic could favor a hit too, right?
I am always wondering about suble PH changes because in Chemistry they influence the rate of equations pretty profoundly, can't they?
I always wonder about lactic acid, slight acidosis, etc and how maybe anything that pushes your Blood ph from one side of 7.4 could change solubility of gases, etc.
Maybe the hungover person is more acidic, not just dehydrated. I guess I am reaching, but every time I pop an aspirin before a dive, I wonder if the acidity effects my blood ph.....probably not.
Yes, I almost always take aspirin pre-dive.
Cold temps cause blood vessels to restrict, reducing blood flow and off gassing efficiency. It's much more desirable to be warm during the dive, or at least deco.
Commening on the PH levels etc. is beyond my knowledge on the subject.