A fine day in Catalina

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Power Scuba

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San Diego
Spent the weekend in Catalina. Vis was down a bit, but an enjoyable Sat and Sun nonetheless. Met Bill (of the Dr. variety) for the first time and had a short chat about our respective video systems and housings.

Saw a GBS. Not so giant, but a good 3 1/2 footer... and meaty. Bill says it's ealry in the year, so I felt doubly honored to spend a minute with the beauty (the sea bass, not Dr Bill). :-)

Some BRILLIANT instructor saw fit to conduct Rescue Diver class drills on the surface of the park without notifying authorities beforehand (major no-no) and without having his entire class (as well as himself) don red hoods/caps over their dive hoods.

End result? When his student rescuer started shouting, "Diver, diver! Are you alright?!?", at the motionless, face-down diver 15 yards away people up in the parking lot started to freak. At least one called 911.

Why didn't I call? I spotted thin red stripes on two of the approximately eight divers hoods. That and the nonchalant manner of the nearby "observers" in what was (to me) obviously a class told me all I needed to know, but before you could shake a stick at the wayward instructor a Harbor Master was at the wall shouting down to the class to see if they were alright. Another four minutes later and 4 paramedics/EMTS arrived in two emergency vehicles with lights flashing.

Moral of the story- Follow the rules, don't freak out the civilian populace as they're spending a relaxing day watching the interesting divers in the water, and don't waste my tax money by needlessly mobilizing 3/4 of Catalina's Emergency Rescue squad. (Although I'm sure it was good training for them and kudos for arriving on-scene so quickly.)
Glad you had a nice time at Catalina....Also good that you met Dr. Bill... A very fine gentlemen indeed!

good summary of events that took place. No need to waste the time of the Emergency Squad for a Rescue Class that should have been planned out a tad better. I'm sure the instructor has learned his lesson on that one...

Any chance you can post some clips of the video you took? Did you capture the GSB on video?

Great to meet you at the park last weekend. Shame about the vis (it was even worse diving on the boat yesterday: 5-10 ft)

I've rarely seen rescue classes don red. However they usually let divers on shore know it is a class rather than something real. Apparently it was a non-diver on the Casino tour who called 911 assuming it was real.

I remember when I did my rescue class in the park. After towing in my victim, I swam back to get my gear on my instructor's float... and ended up making a real rescue of a tired diver. Her boyfriend watched until I got her to the stairs and then said "I'll take over from here." I felt like asking him where the H he had been the whole time.
Any chance you can post some clips of the video you took? Did you capture the GSB on video?


Unfortunately I was not "with vid cam" on that weekend trip. I was "with girlfriend" instead... and that's a whole lot more logistically complicated than lugging a video camera to the island! :rofl3:
Video Diver:
Unfortunately I was not "with vid cam" on that weekend trip. I was "with girlfriend" instead... and that's a whole lot more logistically complicated than lugging a video camera to the island! :rofl3:

Yeah, but a whole lot more fun! At least that's what I remember from many years ago.
Jaye and I were there on Wed 4/4 and viz was not great.

Our Valiant dive was excellent - but if I hadn't dived that tub a zillion times we totally would have missed it. As I was approaching where I "knew" it was, that hulk in the murk ended up being a giant Blacksmith school....

A few more kicks and the thing showed up - right where we left it last time!


The Valiant was Nudi city, despite the warm water. We also did a dive in the park - SueJac, Kismet, platform, etc... a FAT Mexichromis on the Kismet, and a small Janolus on the platform. Swell Shark eggs all over the rocks, Eels, and all the usual suspects. But no GSB, darnitall.

You saw a GSB???!!! Sure is early. Its warm, tho. We had 57 degrees top to bottom on Wednesday afternoon. Very glad for you.

Can't wait for them to come back. Last year was an excellent year for them.
Yep, there've been a few sightings of the GSB already. One was in the shallows for some time last weekend from what I heard. I have yet to see one this year, but now they have to come up and tap me on the shoulder while I've got my eye glued to the viewfinder. Already have more GSB footage than I need... unless they perform a few new tricks. Oh, wait... I'm getting my new high def camera this week. I guess I'll be starting all over from scratch.

Sorry to miss you, Ken and Jaye.
I found the elusive GSB a few times last year. I came across this guy as I turned the corner of the reef. At first I saw this huge tail in between the rocks and the kelp, then slowly moved to the front and saw him hanging out. We didn't disturb him too long, only enough to take some pics as he stayed put in the current. It's not a very good picture and it was the second to the last pic before the DC500 battery went dead. :D


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I guess I'll be starting all over from scratch.

Same here, Bill. I've got the HD cam... now I'm just waiting for Gates to make the housing. Last time I looked they had a placeholder for it, so I guess there's hope.

Now, to start all over... and hopefully learn from my past mistakes whilst aquiring footage.
Based on my results so far with the HC-7, I may go back to my TRV-17. Missed a lot of good footage that my mini-DV setup would have captured without flinching.

Still haven't seen my first GSB of the season. I guess I should look up from the viewfinder more often!
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