I guess I've been lucky enough never to have seen Lobos like that -- that looked like Puget Sound diving! But the huge school of fish was worth it. I couldn't tell what they were, do you know?
Ever since diaper duty has reduced the frequency of our diving, it's been a while since I've seen a fantastic viz day. In a way, it's really struck home how much difference it makes to just get out there a lot; great visibility can and does happen on almost any day.
That's why it seems as though all the divers in Monterey eventually get scooters. If there is anywhere I've ever dived where scooters were PERFECT, it's at Lobos.
It's one of those places where you can legitimately debate, "should I stage the scooter or just carry it into the water?" And so much outside of kick range that's well within recreational (and tech) depths that I still feel I can get it all with a scoot.