scubak:Oh! Well that is good to hear. I may have to check this setup out. And how is the 3rd party program? Is that working? I really hate to be tied into a "program" such as the one that comes with Oly cameras, etc...guess I like to have choices.
Thanks. Will check it out.
OK just got a chance to test this thing out. It's pretty cool. plug your camera usb cable to the adapter that goes into the ipod and the ipod will automatically sense it (but you need a ipod w/ a color screen) and ask you if you want to download the files. It will also give you the option of erasing your camera's flash card. 1 warning, make sure your camera is USB2, otherwise it will take a long time with only a USB1.0 connection. Also good news for those who shoot in RAW, it will download my RAW files (but you can't display them like the jpgs)
Kirstin, I recall the ipod software (that originally comes with the ipod) will let you see the ipod as a flash memory drive on your computer without the need for 3rd party software (but I'm not 100% sure).
Anyways, great product. Now I can keep my laptop at home!