Not familiar with mv-plan but if it allows you to spend any time at 30ft breathing 100% I wouild get a new deco program:huh:
Sorry, I should have made myself more clear. On the dive utilizing the deco gases that you suggested for decompression the 20ft stop was one minute longer than the dive utilizing DIR standard decompression gases. It didn't suggest utilizing 100% at 30fsw at all.
Somebody on this board mentioned MV-Plan and I've been playing with it a bit. It's not as intuitive as some of the other deco planning software, but after I took my own advice and RTFM (read the forewarned manual)
, it's not that bad. It can be found at
I also got bored and planned the dive out with ratio deco. It's not that different from the other dives.
Ratio Deco Dive:
Depth - 150fsw
Bottom Time: 30min.
Bottom Gas: 21/35
Deco Gases: EAN50 and O2
Descend at 60ft/min. to 150fsw Run Time: 2 min. 30 sec.
Dive at 150fsw for 27 min. 30 sec. Run Time: 33 min.
Ascend at 30ft/min. to 70fsw Run Time: 32 min. 40 sec.
Switch from 21/35 to 50% for DECO.
DECO at 70fsw for 2 min. Run Time: 35 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to 60fsw Run Time: 36 min.
DECO at 60fsw for 2 min. Run Time: 38 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to 50fsw Run Time: 39 min.
DECO at 50fsw for 2 min. Run Time: 41 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to 40fsw Run Time: 42 min.
DECO at 40fsw for 2 min. Run Time: 44 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to 30fsw Run Time: 43 min.
DECO at 30fsw for 3 min. Run Time: 45 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to 20fsw Run Time: 46 min.
Switch from 50% to 100% for DECO.
DECO at 20fsw for 15 min. Run Time: 61 min.
Ascend at 10ft/min. to the surface. Run Time: 63 min.
I may not be totally right with ratio deco, but from what I understand of it that should be the profile. Anybody want to critique it? Never hurts to cyber-dive things like this until you understand it better.