Question 6 hours in jakarta

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Santa Fe New Mexico
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50 - 99
I am going to be in jakarta from 1pm till 9 om catching midnight. flight. to sorong. Looking for a private guide with a car or willing to meet us at the airport and taxi. My wife wants to visit a few batik artisans then we would love to do a street food tour. Any leads would be helpful
After checking in the airport hotel, you could very easily make a run to the Taman Angrek mall or Central Park mall and visit a store called Batik Keris. Central Park is more upscale and right next door. They are a very popular batik clothing chain store and have all sorts of mid-range and even some expensive batik clothes for men and women. They have a huge selection. As long as the weather is good and it is not rush hour, it will be an easy 15 to 20 minute each way. You will find all kinds of other options too...and good food.

In Central Park there is a store called Alun Alun which is batik, art, may be a good option.


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There is a new area nearby the airport called Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK).
Not much street food type of restaurants but you can get good Indonesian food : Made's Warung (from Bali) and Pagi Sore (nasi padang).
As for souvenir or batik shopping, there is Java Batik PIK and Garuda Kencana or you can go to a mall called Emporium Pluit which they do have an outlet of Batik Keris (prices more affordable).
PIK and Pluit are located about 25 - 30 minutes away from the airport compared to Central Park or Taman Anggerek. This is because they are both located at the North of Jakarta nearer to the airport and traffic will not be too heavy.

There is nothing much to do at the airport so if you want to do a quick look see of Jakarta at PIK or Pluit, it is doable with some good time management. I would estimate at least 30 mins of travel time to and fro to these two places in order for you to get to the airport for checkin.
Else your safer choice would be checking into a hotel nearby like Anara or those in the 5km radius of the airport and get some rest. But bear in mind that checking in getting your room keys etc will also require almost the same amount of time for you to travel out of the airport.

Hope the information helps!
We stayed at Anara in December 2023 and it was definitely the right thing to do. Once through immigration etc and checked in at the hotel, if you feel like it, and you have time, then go out to some of the nearby places. The Receptionist at the hotel was very sensible and helpful. Can get taxi from the door of the hotel - it opens direet out into the multi-storey car park.
Just a reminder that Jakarta rush hour traffic is not to be trifled with. Travelled from the Airport to FM7 during rush hour one trip and it took more than an hour - to get to a hotel that is a stones throw from the end of one of the runways. The return trip in the middle of the night was less than 10 minutes.

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