6 days and counting ... advice on diving Ceynotes?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Yorba Linda, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I'm headed for ScubaClub Cozumel on Saturday...After the generally poor conditions here in So. Cal for the past few months I won't know what to do with myself with visibility greater than the tips of my fins!

A group of us are diving the Ceynotes mid-week for the first time. Does anyone have any advice?
The three that I've dove the most are ChacMool,Dos Ojos,and Taj Maja,all are great choices.

Dress warm for a two tank day,temps ~75

You don't need a monster light,I've always used just a 4 C cell.

Pay attention to the briefing

No need for snorkel,just another thing to hang up.

Bring some spray insect repellent,lots of ankel biters during dressing/undressing.

Bouyancy control,bouyancy control,bouyancy control

In most cenotes you'll be passing up and down through the 15-25 ft depth area,inturn you'll find yourself equalizing more than usual,clear ears are helpful.

I always bring my own water,and have it by the entrance so I can suck some down during tank change(usualy done by the water entrance or in the water).

Find your spiritual center and enjoy the slow crawl through time.
The three that I've dove the most are ChacMool,Dos Ojos,and Taj Maja,all are great choices.

Dress warm for a two tank day,temps ~75

You don't need a monster light,I've always used just a 4 C cell.

Pay attention to the briefing

No need for snorkel,just another thing to hang up.

Bring some spray insect repellent,lots of ankel biters during dressing/undressing.

Bouyancy control,bouyancy control,bouyancy control

Wow... those are exactly the three cenotes that I dove last year. I went with the Dive Aventuras dive shop located in Puerto Aventuras. They were a pretty good op overall. I'd agree with just about all of Rondo's suggestions, 'cept perhaps for the light. One of the cenotes (I think it was the Taj Maha) was in almost complete darkness about 95% of the dive, so a good light is very handy there. In fact, my divemaster had an HID light, which was much appreciated, since I only had my UK Q40 with me. Chac Mool was much more of what your typical cenote photograps show, i.e. sink holes everywhere, and you're never very far from daylight. I would strongly second the suggestion to bring insect repellent... the entries into the cenotes are in the jungle, and mosquetos are everywhere. I sprayed my arms and legs liberally, and still got a few bites while suiting up.

One thing to look out for during cenote dives is the heliocline. It can be somewhat disorienting when you pass through it. I would always try to stay either above or below it. Swimming just below it is kind of a trip, because it looks like the surface of the water is just above you, when in fact you are at something like 45 feet depth (can't remember exactly.)
Check some of the threads in the regular Mexico section. There are lengthy discussions about cenote diving.
I dove Chikin Ha and Taj Maha last May. All of the previous advice is right. The Halocline is really cool. It is where the freshwater sits on a perfectly even line on top of the saltwater. I like cruising a few inches above the saltwater and shining my light so that it reflects off of the surface of the saltwater and plays along the walls of the cavern. The freshwater is so clear that it gives the feeling that you are flying effortlessly above the surface of the saltwater. Also, if you are in Taj Maha at about noon, the light from the sun penetrates some holes in the ceiling and the light blasts down into the water and the darkness of the cavern in a single beam. It looks like someone activated the teleporter on the Starship Enterprise.

If you are doing 2 cenote dives back to back, you will need something warmer than a 3mm suit. I bring a 3mm hooded vest/shorty to put on over the 3mm suit.

Also, as you know, you will need much less weight in the freshwater, although the xtra Neoprene offsets that a bit.

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